Agree, what Eric has is starting to look like a compromise. Let’s get the final 
text (wip) on the list asap.


From: "Les Ginsberg (ginsberg)" <>
Date: Friday, February 16, 2018 at 11:08 PM
To: Eric Rosen <>, Andrew Dolganow 
<>, "(Ice) IJsbrand Wijnands" <>
Cc: Greg Shepherd <>, "" <>, 
"" <>, Xiejingrong <>, 
Arkadiy Gulko <>
Subject: RE: [Bier] [Isis-wg] WGLC : draft-ietf-bier-isis-extensions-07.txt

Eric -

From: Eric C Rosen []
Sent: Friday, February 16, 2018 6:45 AM
To: Les Ginsberg (ginsberg) <>; Dolganow, Andrew (Nokia - 
SG/Singapore) <>; IJsbrand Wijnands <>
Cc: Greg Shepherd <>;;; 
Xiejingrong <>;
Subject: Re: [Bier] [Isis-wg] WGLC : draft-ietf-bier-isis-extensions-07.txt

Perhaps the following would be a good compromise (or perhaps not).

Have an eight-bit field whose values are taken from the "IGP Algorithms" 

Have another eight-bit field whose values are taken from a new BIER-specific 
registry.  I don't know, maybe call it the "BIER Underlay Algorithm Modifier" 
registry.  The way the underlay paths are computed for a given BIER sub-domain 
is determined by the pair of codepoints: <IGP Algorithms codepoint, BIER 
Underlay Algorithm Modifier codepoint>.

[Les:] Makes sense – except I would think only when the BUAM == 0 do the values 
come from IGP registry. Other values for BUAM would require a different set of 
definitions for the algorithm value.

The default value for the "BIER Underlay Algorithm Modifier" field would be 
zero.   The value zero in this field would mean "just use the IGP Algorithms 
field to figure out how the underlay paths are computed."  Non-zero values 
could be used to add additional nuance.  Existing drafts can say "the use of 
non-zero values in this field is outside the scope of this document".

The registration policy for the new registry could save about  half the values 
for "standards action", and about half for FCFS.  And a few for Experimental.  
(This would be a good policy for the IGP Algorithms registry as well, imho.)

This seems to have minimal impact on existing implementations, and leaves room 
for further development of BIER while avoiding entanglements (or peceived 
entanglements) with other technologies that might be considered controversial.

Now perhaps the WG can proceed to the really important issues, such as how to 
best design the T-shirts.  (Though frankly I'd rather get a few more 
home-brewed beers than a T-shirt.)

On 2/16/2018 12:51 AM, Les Ginsberg (ginsberg) wrote:
Andrew –

There is no change being considered to the size of the algorithm field for 
Segment Routing.  That is 8 bits – there are mature SR documents and multiple 
implementations that use that encoding. There is also the IGP registry defined 
in an SR document (though not necessarily exclusively for SR use) which defines 
8 bit values.

The only thing which is being discussed here is whether BIER should use an 8 
bit or 16 bit algorithm field. Also, even if it is decided BIER should use a 16 
bit algorithm, it is conceivable that the values defined in the IGP algorithm 
registry may still be of use to BIER.


From: BIER [] On Behalf Of Dolganow, Andrew (Nokia 
- SG/Singapore)
Sent: Thursday, February 15, 2018 7:39 PM
To: IJsbrand Wijnands <><>
Cc: Greg Shepherd <><>;<>;<>; 
Xiejingrong <><>;<>; Eric 
C Rosen <><>
Subject: Re: [Bier] [Isis-wg] WGLC : draft-ietf-bier-isis-extensions-07.txt


Now, there are multiple treads being discussed here under one topic:

- how big should the the field be?
- should there be common registry for all technologies?
- where should it be defined and which WG should standardize it?

To me the first question is totally dependent on the answer to the last two, 
since the use case pointed out suggests a common registry.

Now there may be different opinions (I believe there are from this exchange) 
whether we should or should not have a common registry, how complicated would 
it be and whether it would tax all groups trying to use that. But even before 
we go there, the basic question has to be answered:
- which WG would own that registry. It is not in a charter of BIER to own it 
nor it is in a charter of SR nor it is in a charter of ISIS. Do none of them 
should own and mandate use. We are chartering LSR now - should we add registry 
for all IGP algorithms, we have routing WG, others?  Would like to hear AD’s 
opinion. Note that although LSR appears obvious, the algorithms to compute BIER 
may be controller-based that do bot require LSR (same applies to SR).

- if we do agree to have a common registry, I would assume we all then tax 
everyone to signal that the same way. That would mean changes to SR and changes 
to BIER.

This seems a lot. We have implementations of both technologies, so are changes 
to those warranted or is it too late and we should pursue independent  alg 
definition and registry as it has been set-up in the existing drafts. And we 
are talking only of those two but more WG will come and want to define things 
for them as well.


Sent from my iPhone

On Feb 16, 2018, at 2:51 AM, IJsbrand Wijnands 
<<>> wrote:
I think its clear from the discussion there are different opinions on the 
matter on how to make BIER use the BAR field. The reason for me to support 16 
bits is that everybody seemed ok go move forward with an 8bits BAR without a 
registry, a 16bits BAR does not change anything, its just a bigger field. But 
at least with 16bits, we can split in Type, Value, and support different 
use-cases. IMO, pointing to whatever the Unicast underlay is providing is the 
main use-case, but it allows other ways to do things.

One thing is clear, with just 8bits, it will be very hard to reach an agreement 
what the registry would look like. If we make it 16bits, we know we can solve 
multiple use-cases. The main question (I think) is whether we document how a 
16bit BAR is carved up now, or we defer that to later. And as I said, since 
everybody seemed ok with 8bit BAR without a registry, I don’t see why its now 
different for 16bits. It gives us time to workout exactly how to use it and get 
input from the WGs.

And, of course, the goal is to create a registry for the 16 bits through a new 



On 15 Feb 2018, at 18:28, Tony Przygienda 
<<>> wrote:

On Thu, Feb 15, 2018 at 9:20 AM, Greg Shepherd 
<<>> wrote:
On Thu, Feb 15, 2018 at 8:53 AM, Tony Przygienda 
<<>> wrote:

On Thu, Feb 15, 2018 at 8:38 AM, Greg Shepherd 
<<>> wrote:
For the record, there is no SR Registry. There is only an IGP Algo Type 
Registry as defined in draft-ietf-ospr-segment-routing-extensions-24 section 8.5

So is that a good idea, having multiple drafts in flight with fields expecting 
to have magic couplings to each other while leaving e'thing "unspecified" to 
"publish RFCs" while we "decide things later"?

That was a pivot, but still; there is no reference, there is no coupling.

Tangental: draft-ietf-ospr-segment-routing-extensions-24 has been around for a 
while, and the IGP Algo registry will be tied to this draft and it's fate. If 
anyone is expecting to use this registry outside of the scope of this draft, it 
would be in their best interest to pull the registry description out into a 
separate draft.

OK, and I agree that if such a registry is pulled and under a clear charter of 
mandating multiple technologies within an independent body then a discussion 
starts to make sense and what the size of that should be given that mandates 
algorithms over multiple technologies (SR, unicast, mcast, whatever) and 
implies a "God's eye view" of all the elements of all the technologies (and if 
a computation touches elements from two technologies they become [optionally] 
coupled).  We are not talking IGP registry or multicast computation registry or 
SR registry then but a "wider scope registry". Yes, that is an intriguing 
thought with its own validity but outside the scope of charter we're under as 
BIER.  Personally, I consider multiple, if needed loosely coupled registries 
for each technology a less centralized and hence "more Internet like" solution 
but I see how opinions on such a thing can diverge ...


--- tony

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