D. Hugh Redelmeier wrote:

>| From: Rudy Zijlstra <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>| Mr. Myth wrote:
>| > D. Hugh Redelmeier wrote:
>| > I have no advice.  However, I too am seeing this problem as well on the
>| > 2.6.17-1.2139+FC4 kernel and ivtv-kmdl-2.6.17-1.2139_FC4-0.7-115.rhfc4.at.
>| > 
>| > I just reverted to the last 2.6.16 kernel for the time being.
>| > 
>| > Michael
>| >  
>| Which version of ivtv are you using? 0.7 is intended for the 2.7.17 kernel.
>Huh?  I don't think that there is a 2.7 kernel series yet.  Perhaps there
>should be, but the development model changed and there is no unstable
>series any more.  Or is that "the unstable series took over the stable
>series' number"?
Typo: 2.6.17 :-[

>If you (Rudy) meant 2.6.17, then you will see that Mr. Myth is using
>one of them (and so am I).  His was for FC4 and mine was for FC5.
>Those are what the ATRPMS packages were built for, as I understand it.
>But it looks like something is wrong.  Both Mr. Myth and I have
>Someone on IRC (freenode #ivtv-dev) suggested:
><fuzzie> well, the last calls there are to the video device
>    registration stuff, on top of v4l stuff being tainted perhaps your v4l
>    is wonky. but i don't really have a clue for what's really up, have
>    you tried just compiling ivtv against FC5+updates kernel source?
>I have not done that but perhaps I should.  I was getting a hint that
>IVTV doesn't build well on FC5 -- the normal kernel headers are not
>sufficient.  So it seemed like another level of adventure.  I'm hoping
>that an adventure is not required.

I am running 0.7 against vanilla kernel from kernel.org, and 
sofar no problems. Slackware-current installation. I've been using 
slackware since 1996 or so, and still very satisfied with that distro. 
Sometimes i will use Debian, but any RedHat trial has ended in 
frustration on my side.



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