On Śr, 2008-01-02 at 12:48 +0100, simon wrote:
> > As far as I know there has to be one sm-process per domain, the c2s
> > instead may connect serveral domains to your network, as long as
> there
> > is a session-manager that feels responsible for such domain.
> ** Virtual hosts with dynamic mass-virtual-hosts creation feature **
> So, if I understand this correctly, it's not dynamic at all ?
> If i have to create a new process for a new domain, so can i to create
> mass-virtual-hosts ? 

You need one sm process for every hosted domain and one c2s configured
to accept domains dynamically. And of course one router, s2s and

When you start sm for domain1, it connects to router and you are
handling domain1.
Then you start sm for domain2, it connects to router and you are
handling domain1 and domain2. Without any router/c2s/etc.
If you do not need domain1 anymore, you stop domain1 sm process. domain1
c2s connections are closed and the domain1 is not hosted anymore.

You do not need to reconfigure anything - just start and stop sm
processes. I call it dynamic. :-)

  /\_./o__ Tomasz Sterna
 (/^/(_^^'  Xiaoka.com

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