The fact is that my clients who are using the James mail server are getting fed up with my explanation that it is hotmail's fault and/or transient network issues. They are all technically savvy enough to realize that when they switch to other SMTP servers they can send the same mail to the same addresses without a problem. This includes the hotmail issue as well as my earlier email about James deciding that certain addresses are bad. I realize this isn't your problem, but as much as I like the James architecture, the lack of stability when connecting to the outside world is forcing me to consider switching to another platform.

I'm not trying to be a pain, just trying to ascertain whether James is moving in a direction that will solve my problem, or not.


Noel J. Bergman wrote:

Another thing I've noticed is that James always refuses to send to
hotmail (even after a restart), but if I try it manually via
telnet from the same server it works fine.

RemoteDelivery: Exception delivering message


- 554 Transaction failed

Actually, no. James attempted delivery, and hotmail refused the transaction with a "554" permanent failure. There are 100s of references to this on the Internet, e.g.,

From what I've read, Microsoft got their software into hotmail some years
ago, things got FUBAR, and now it is pretty much an on-going SNAFU.

--- Noel

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