I have my retry set to 10 minutes with a max retries of 10, which admittedly is probably pretty short. However, I've seen it retry after I've manually tested the network and it will fail until it reaches the max of 10 retries then bounce the message to the user. It never seems to recover once it has had an issue.

Maybe the 1.4.1 JVM has an issue recovering once it thinks a host is down.


Noel J. Bergman wrote:

The first bit is the exception when James tries to send to the server,
then I ping and telnet to port 25, stop and restart James, and at the
end you can see that James is able to send to the aauwms2 server with no
problems after being restarted.

RemoteDelivery: Temporary exception delivering mail (Mailxxx-to-aauw.org:
javax.mail.MessagingException: Unknown SMTP host: aauwms2.aauw.org.;
nested exception is:
java.net.UnknownHostException: aauwms2.aauw.org.
at ...SMTPTransport.openServer(SMTPTransport.java:909)

That appears to be a transient network issue. JavaMail tries to open a socket to the host, gets a UHE from the JVM, and rethrows it wrapped in a MessagingException. When you go to test, the network issue has already cleared. I suspect that James would send the message when it retried. You might want to shorten delayTime (RFC 2821 requests at least 30 mins, James defaults to 6 hours) and increase maxRetries (RFC 2821 suggests at least 4 - 5 days, James defaults to 30 hours).

--- Noel

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