I agree with Alessandro, that contributing your plugin to the Apache Lucene project would be more lightweight, than incubating.

But maybe it is a good idea, that you first make it available on your own github account and check there how things go. The Apache License permits you to do this as long as you reference that Luke and Lucene are developed by the Apache Software Foundation.

Btw, I just got your plugin running and it is very cool, that I can now run Luke within IntelliJ :-) thank you for making a demo version available!



Am 16.11.23 um 10:40 schrieb Alessandro Benedetti:
Hi Balog,
as I mentioned, in my opinion it's extremely unlikely that such a project
(Intellij Luke Plugin) could be considered to be incubated.
Luke itself is an auxiliary tool for an Apache project and it has been
contributed to Apache Lucene so the most natural place I would see your
project  fit is Apache Lucene as well (a plugin to support an auxiliary
tool for an Apache project in an IDE).
And contributing to Apache Lucene is much more lightweight than setting up
a project in the Apache incubator.
Just to let you know.
Also contributing to Lucene takes time and I can't guarantee your code
would be accepted, as a minimum it will require various iterations
of feedback, but you can start the process if you are passionate about it!

*Alessandro Benedetti*
Director @ Sease Ltd.
*Apache Lucene/Solr Committer*
*Apache Solr PMC Member*

e-mail: a.benede...@sease.io

*Sease* - Information Retrieval Applied
Consulting | Training | Open Source

Website: Sease.io <http://sease.io/>
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<https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDx86ZKLYNpI3gzMercM7BQ> | Github

On Thu, 16 Nov 2023 at 07:57, Balog Tamás <picim...@protonmail.com.invalid>

Michael, Alessandro, thank you for the links and the summary. I appreciate
the help.

Meanwhile, I also read up on the sent documents/pages, and yeah, I see
it's based on donation of existing projects, and the financial aspects
aside, the incubation process would seemingly require more capacity on my
side that I can spare now.

For now, I might put this project aside, but I'll see how I could host and
release this under my GitHub account at first. (Without violating license
terms, as the plugin's code base is still more than 90% the same as Luke's,
as I simply reused its source code, so that I don't have to reimplement

@Michael: I built the plugin .zip file. It is about 55MB due to having to
bundle the dependent Lucene jars too. Is it ok if I share it on Google
Drive and send you a link to it to your wyona email address?


2023. november 15., szerda 16:41 keltezéssel, Alessandro Benedetti <
a.benede...@sease.io> írta:

Hi Balog,
first of all, thanks, I think it's a cool idea!

In regards to giving it to the Apache Software Foundation, it works as a
you assign a permissive license (Apache) and contribute it as a Lucene
module (most likely, like it happened with Luke) or a separate project
(unlikely to deserve a separate one as Luke has been donated itself to
This won't happen automatically, you'll need to <convince> a Lucene

committer it's good code and a good idea and have it merged one day.

You won't get any money, but if you continue contributing, you may become
an Apache Lucene committer one day.
Also, that won't give you any money, it's rather the opposite, it's
volunteering work.

Given that, there are other ways of making money out of a contribution:

- a company becomes interested in such a contribution and pays you to
maintain it
- companies start using that part of Lucene and ask the creator to do

As a personal recommendation, If you are a freelancer and need money I
wouldn't suggest pursuing this activity as a quick revenue channel
it's unlikely you'll see any money anytime soon), do it if you want to
donate and benefit the broader community (i.e. you get the money from

Hope it helps,

Alessandro Benedetti
Director @ Sease Ltd.
Apache Lucene/Solr Committer
Apache Solr PMC Member

e-mail: a.benede...@sease.io

Sease - Information Retrieval Applied
Consulting | Training | Open Source

Website: Sease.io http://sease.io/

LinkedIn https://linkedin.com/company/sease-ltd | Twitter

https://twitter.com/seaseltd | Youtube

https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDx86ZKLYNpI3gzMercM7BQ | Github


On Wed, 15 Nov 2023 at 07:51, Balog Tamás picim...@protonmail.com

Hi Michael,

Not at the moment, but I can share privately a built plugin archive (a
.zip file) that one can install manually.

If the plugin looks suitable, I think the best place for it would be
the Apache GitHub organization, and my question is, are you someone
who can
help with that?

Also, although, I don't want to jump ahead too much, since I work as a
freelancer, I have to prioritize what projects I work on. Thus, I must
if this project got under the Apache umbrella, would there be a chance
receiveing a financial compensation for this work (maybe under some
kind of
contract) and potential longer-term maintenance?

Best regards,

---Tamás Balog
Freelance JetBrains IDE Plugin Developer

Find me on: GitHub / JetBrains Marketplace / LinkedIn / Website

Proton Mail biztonságos e-maillel küldve.

2023. november 13., hétfő 10:33 keltezéssel, Michael Wechner <
michael.wech...@wyona.com> írta:

Hi Tamas

Can one download your plugin somewhere to test it?



Am 13.11.23 um 10:07 schrieb Balog Tamás:

Hello everyone!

I've been working on a proof of concept of creating an IntelliJ
from the Luke application and it reached a demoable state.

If anyone of the Lucene core maintainers, team leads, etc. is
interested, I'd be glad to demonstrate it and discuss a potential
for the plugin. In that case please let me know who and where I
contact directly.

Or, if I'm at the wrong place for such a topic, please point me to
right direction. :)

Tamás Balog
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