> Hi Chris,
> Thanks very much for your reply.
> "You can pass int parameters to either of the Float
> or Double constructors ..."
> You're right, although I thought you'd have to cast
> the values first?

Why not take a few seconds and try it yourself?

> "As for your second question ..."
> Without anti-aliasing, I see no difference between a
> rectangle at 0 and one at 0.99 (the x coordinate)
> (this is true with anti-aliasing turned on as well,
> but I assume it's because there are no curved areas).
> I do, however, notice a change with an ellipse, as
> you mentioned. There's a difference in rendering
> between an ellipse positioned at 0 and one at 0.49.
> Is it because the non-integer coordinates affect the
> result of calculating the position of the pixels
> within the arcs of the ellipse? If this is true, then
> surely regular rectangles and lines would not be
> affected by non-integer coordinates, unless perhaps
> they were transformed? In other words, shapes are
> rendered at integer locations, but the rounding can
> be affected by the calculation of curves and
> transformations? But then why would you choose to
> render a shape at a non-integer location in the first
> place? I hope I'm not making a fool of myself here.
> It also brings another question to my mind -- When
> should you use the float constructors, and when
> should you use the double constructors? I assume
> double is more precise, but uses more memory? Would
> it be used where accuracy is important, such as in
> CAD applications?

Depends on the application; double is really important in the mapping/GIS 
industry, for example.

> "The drawRect(), fillRect(), etc methods on the
> Graphics class are still your best bet ..."
> OK, but this assumes you wish to position a shape in
> an integer location only?


> *sigh* Maybe I should just forget about understanding
> this stuff.

It sounds like you have a pretty good grasp already, so I wouldn't fret too 
much if I were you.

> "On Tiger, you pretty much have no choice but to use
> the two-pass technique you describe ..."
> Actually, my technique is (clip, fillR, fillR, reset
> clip, drawRR) (5 steps, as apposed to 6).

Sorry, that's what I meant.

> "The behavior you're seeing where the corners are
> clipped off is caused by slight differences between
> the clip region and the way the rounded rect shape is
> stroked ..."
> Yeah, I think some of the anti-aliasing of the stroke
> is being rendered outside of the clip.


> "1. Don't use drawRoundRect() to draw one-pixel tall
> horizontal lines."
> Hmmm ... I never did that? Or are you joking?

Sorry, that was an old joke.  We have seen some rather creative approaches to 
rendering simple primitives over the years :)

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