Human Models exported from 3d Studio Max exported as VRML
can be animated with Java3d, or Java 1.1 applets on the web.

  Here's a BiPed exported from Studio Max that works on
the web and with the Sun VRML Loaders ( & more ):

  VRML Loaders for Java3d from Sun do H-Anim & BiPed Animation

  3d Studio Max BiPed VRML Animated with Java 1.1 & Java3d

Laurent Cathala wrote to Java3d-interest list:
> I'm trying load animated files exported from
 > 3ds max 4 in vrml format using xj3d loader.
> In many case there are errors parsing the file.
> An idea ?
> Thanks
> Laurent

  Give us a hint ...

  It would be more helpful if they would tell you
what works and what doesn't work with the 'new'
Loaders and have a chart comparing it to the
other loaders in terms what it can load,
where it can work ( in a browser ? ), etc.

  It looks like don't want you to know  :^(

  The Sun VRML Loaders work very well   ;^)

  ( see links above for samples & source code )

  The Sun Loaders animate Web3d's H-Anim Avatars
in stand-alone applications and in a browser,
on Windows, Linux, Solaris, SGI, HP-UX, etc.

  If you send me the file or put it on the web
and send or post the link I'll try it on my
system and let you know how it does, the Sun
Loaders have worked very, very well and they
give specific, helpful error messages.

  -- Paul,  Java Developer & Web Animator
"Imaging the Imagined: Modeling with Math & a Keyboard"

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