Laurent Cathala wrote:

> I'm trying load animated files exported from 3ds max 4 in vrml format using
> xj3d loader. In many case there are errors parsing the file.
> An idea ?

Nope. But if you could send me privately a couple of test files and
the error messages, we should be able to fix it. We're in the final
throws of the release cycle for the M4 release, so if you can get us
something quickly, we may be able to include the fix(es).

We also know that 3DSMax exporters, if you are using the free versions
on the net, have a bunch of issues too. Some versions export invalid
VRML. You could be suffering from that.

Justin Couch               
Java Architect & Bit Twiddler    
Author, Java 3D FAQ Maintainer        
"Humanism is dead. Animals think, feel; so do machines now.
Neither man nor woman is the measure of all things. Every organism
processes data according to its domain, its environment; you, with
all your brains, would be useless in a mouse's universe..."
                                               - Greg Bear, Slant

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