On Tue, Aug 18, 2009 at 3:13 AM, Peter Becker <peter.becker...@gmail.com>wrote:

> What I would really like to see is a meet/or/disjunction/union operator
> in the type system, with a case-like construct to resolve the resulting
> types. Scala has two things that are halfway there (Either, case
> classes), but neither is the full monty.

Few type systems have true union types.  The algebraic data types of the ML
and Haskell families, for instance, do not allow unioning of types without
explicitly creating a new type with its own "constructors".  See Either
which in Haskell looks like.

data Either a b = Left a | Right b

In Scala, Haskell, or SML Either is really just a way of faking union typing
in a type system that doesn't do union typing.

Java is actually very unusual in that the small bit of its type system
devoted to exceptions basically has union types.  If a method says it throws
A,B,C then the union "A,B,C" forms a type and the type "A,B" is a subtype,
the type "A,B,C,D" is a supertype.  With regards to declared exceptions on
methods Java is covariant.  I know that's not how checked exceptions are
normally presented, but that's how the type rules work.

But then Java, as usual, isn't very regular about this union typing
business.  You can write

Integer myFunction(File file) throws IOException, MyBusinessException {...}

But if you try to make it "first class" with something like

interface Function<In, Out, Exc> {
  Out apply(In in) throws Exc;

You can't then write something like

new Function<File, Integer, {IOException, MyBusinessException}> {...}

Your first class function has to pick one exception or declare that it
throws a common supertype.

Project Coin proposed the ability to catch mutliple exception types with one
catch block.  That can be seen as extending union typing just a touch
further, but it still doesn't cover exception types as type parameters.

It's not surprising to me at all that Java remains virtually the only
language with checked exceptions.  They might be a fine idea, but making
them usable and consistent across the language is very tough business.
Checked exceptions are what's called an effects system, which is a way to
extend a type system so that functions describe effects they might have
beyond computing a value.  Creating an effects system that is usable and
consistent across the language is very much ongoing research.  See Disciple
http://www.haskell.org/haskellwiki/DDC/EffectSystem, but I warn you it's not
for the faint of heart.

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