On Aug 21, 4:46 pm, B Smith-Mannschott <bsmith.o...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Checked exceptions *are* a failed experiment.

My first experience and after reading Joel's post I was thinking that
but previous posters convinced me that this is not necessarily true -
but I think there lies some truth also in your comparison with

BTW: I find the checked exceptions more useful than the unchecked
exceptions (for using in my own code).

> Some have argued that there's nothing wrong with checked exceptions,
> per se, it's just that people don't use them right.

The question is: How really to use them right? I think this is a
desired result of this discussion. :-]

> Joel's article, I can't really agree with, though it's a pretty old
> post. Exceptions as an alternate form a control flow have their place.

The ten commandments are also very old posts - information or thoughts
do not necessarily become less important with increasing age. ;-) - I
cannot say that I completely agree with everything in that post, but
the point that completely fits my experience is the decreased

> I wish Java had a good way of dealing with partial functions (i.e.
> functions that can't return a sensible value for all possible inputs).
> The only options we seem to have are: throw an exception or return
> null. Java's null is a mess. (Though sometimes the Null Object Pattern
> can help here.) Languages with a Maybe type (e.g. Scala) are
> appealing.

Never heard of the "Maybe" type - but I am pretty sure that a "Maybe"
would be the last thing I would like having to deal with. I like in
Python that a function can return multiple values, but something
similar can be achieved in Java returning objects. Imagine to return
an object that contains a return value + your data. However, if you
have very different return types you would need many different new
classes encapsulating all the combinations.

In the past (even before using Java) I have used a common accessible
error object (containing status information and error/warning message
lists) - a static one accessible from and for all levels within my
application. So my functions can return a value or null and if they
produce an error they tell this separately. An advantage is that
whoever interested can investigate current error status and a
disadvantage is that you have to be careful when to reset error
status. But I have used this method quite successful for many years
prior using Java. I have started implementing something similar for my
Java projects and I think I can improve this method further.
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