Casper Bang wrote:
> On 23 Aug., 01:25, Peter Becker <> wrote:
>> Someone should probably write a nice book talking only about error
>> handling, the different ways to propagate errors (special return values,
>> checked exceptions, unchecked exceptions, union types) and the different
>> ways to deal with them. A nice chapter on logging strategies would be
>> good, too. Maybe one on the errors you can't handle (stuff such as
>> external errors, infinite loops, infinite recursion, resource leaks).
>> Does anyone know of such a book or volunteer? :-)
> Well if you read best-practice/state-of-the-art books like Clean Code,
> Code Complete, The Pragmatic Programmer etc. you already get most of
> that. But this is the complex world of Java, I have no doubt we could
> see a book on logging frameworks and strategies. That's when I think
> we need simplicity back so that it won't just be the top 10% reading
> books, that will be capable of producing quality code.
I think error handling strategies transcends languages. The book you 
listed do that, too -- but even these books tend to focus on the 
positive cases.

Error handling seems to be the one case hardly anyone gets right. 
Examples for beginners tend to ignore the whole question. Quite often 
you really don't need to (it can be quite acceptable that your program 
crashes in rare cases), but if your system is mission or even life 
critical you suddenly get into a realm that usually no one talks about. 
Or at least no in those books I've read, which could well be my fault.


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