Hi David. I'm sorry this has happened and perhaps this explains why I had that 
incident a couple of weeks ago with this list's emails bouncing back, since I 
am a gmail user. This time, however, I was lucky. I'm still hanging in there; 
and if I was eject, I'd just re-subscribe. This list is indeed far too valuable 
for me not to.



----- Original Message -----
From: David Ferrin  <ow...@jaws-users.com>
To: jaws-users-list@jaws-users.com
Date: Friday, 21 July 2017 8:24 am
Subject: [JAWS-Users] memo for the group

> We have been hit in the past by email providers bouncing messages from this 
> domain, but today ranks as the worst in our history. We lost 162 members 
> today just under 25% of our total subscribers. Almost all of them were using 
> GMail with a couple of other ISPs thrown in for good measure. 
> We have never had a problem with GMail before but they sure made up for it 
> this morning. 
> If anybody has contact with one of the people who have been removed ask them 
> to contact GMail if they can and ask this domain be placed on their white 
> list or whatever they happen to call it. 
> A few more days like this and there won't be much of a point in going on. 
> I remember as a little boy my dad saying you can't fight city hall. In this 
> case you can't fight being black listed. 
> David Ferrin
> Life is what happens after you have already made other plans.
> For answers to frequently asked questions about this list visit:
> http://www.jaws-users.com/help/

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