Just searched archives and tried Chris's suggestion of checking
compatibility mode under the Tools menu. No difference.  I get "1 item
remaining..." forever, and if I try a refresh the page starts counting down
more and more slowly but never comes up.  Perhaps IE8 is happier on VISTA
machines or something, but it's the pits on this XP Pro system!

BTW- The new Help page (link at bottom of messages) is so nicely organized
and the archive search is really nice now.  Thanks to administrators or
whomever worked on this!!


-----Original Message-----
From: jaws-users-list-boun...@jaws-users.com
[mailto:jaws-users-list-boun...@jaws-users.com] On Behalf Of Don and Cher
Sent: Thursday, July 30, 2009 11:19 AM
To: jaws-users-list@jaws-users.com
Subject: [JAWS-Users] IE8 Sluggishness

Have been trying to figure out whether internet page downloads are suddenly
sluggish or stall completely because I've changed to IE8 or what.  Also,
sometimes closing down one web page shuts down IE8 completely.  A friend
reports similar problems.  Were these the same reasons which initially
caused some of you to uninstall IE8?
If you uninstall IE8, does IE7 work properly or did you have to do any kind
of re-install to get it working as before?
Thanks much for any insights/info.
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