
I am using windows XP with 3 GB ram with latest Jaws 12.

I was listening live to a NFL football game today on my computer when I heard a sound, but it didn't sound like the sound you get with a fatal error.

I lost Jaws and my wife told me that the screen stated a message low on virtual memory. She closed the screen and after that I got another message something to do with bector and Internet explorer 8 for which I have no idea what that means.

I don't recall any other problems with IE8 and I had only the home page of the radio station and a second page for the audio opened. For what it is worth, here is the URL of the radio station. When I got the page, I pressed enter on listen live.


Does anyone have any idea what caused the error and what should I do? Even after my wife got me back to the desktop, Jaws was stilll not talking. So, I aborted Jaws (insert key+Windows key+F4) and use the shortcut key to bring back Jaws.

Any help and suggestions will greatly be appreciated. Take care.


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