On Wed, 14 Nov 2001, Jason Dillon wrote:

> What are you talking about?  build.sh makes no assumptions about the users
> classpath and sets it up correctly to use the jars from tools/lib.

There are no jars whatsoever in jboss cvs.  Please, don't just assume

> If you are trying to build JBoss from MAIN the onl;y supported method is
> using either build.sh or build.bat.  Direct usage of ant is NOT supported.
> --jason

build.sh does NOT handle the planet57 stuff.  Please read what I said, again,
3 times, then read it again.

Running build.sh WILL fail.  Period.  No attempt is made by it to handle ALL
external dependencies that jboss has.  And I don't think there should be an
attempt.  There are already systems that exist that handle that(debian has
one).  There exist people(debian maintainers) that excel in this kind of
distribution packaging.

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