|Hehe.. you're so screwed... awhh.. why do I even bother.. :-)

As much as I really love to argue with you I really want to work on RH and
put it out, but these discussions are down the road, really I extend the
invitation again, I will try to get you to come to one of the trainings.

|Alright, you may have a point, but it's not really valid until it gets
|implemented *well*.

sure. It is not there yet, if the point is valid (meaning people really ask
for it) then it might see the light of day.

|So you'd need to go outside EJB for such a common requirement as runtime
|reconfiguration? Is that good?

JMX isn't bad. We like it :) it might become a part of the J2EE spec (it
should) so there you have it.

|like EJB, is because it's overused. People use it for things they
|shouldn't use it for, especially for web applications where the web
|client and EJB's are in the same JVM. And you still need to go through
|the remote interface, thus introducing a whole bunch of heavyweight
|patterns such as Data Transfer Objects.

The weight of the container is minimal, it is serialization that is heavy,
but really that's enough for today we will take it again down the road kid,

thanks for your attention


|Rickard Öberg

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