On Thu, 15 Nov 2001, Jason Dillon wrote:

> Woah... this is a bit much for me to troll over at the moment... but here
> are some comments based on a brief look.

Yeah, it took quite a bit to write as well.  I've spent quite a bit of time
today in email, not getting much real coding work done. :(

> First, I don't really care about the details of debian stuff.  If you do
> that is greate.

Sure.  There's no need for you to know how to create a deb.  Let me do that.
Once it is done, then it is easy to  understand. But the creation can be a

> Sounds like we need to split up these non-free bits from the free bits.  I
> am all for that.  How do we do that and still allow the build system to
> work with little to no user or bs/lib maintainer overhead?

Your suggestion below of 2 separate zips/tars is fine by me.

> It looks like there is no way jboss could be put directly into 'main', since
> it depends on non-free software "to do what it sets out to do".  So I would
> guess it would go into contrib, honestly I don't really care which module it
> goes into.

This is correct.

> It would be nice if evey debian os came with JBoss by default if the user
> wants J2EE, JMX or advanced java server support, but why not simply provide
> our own packages, and provide docs on the lines to add to the apt-get config
> file?

My goal is to have it in Debian.  It will get a wider audience that way.
However, there is nothing precluding JBoss from having debs hosted on

> Why do we need to provide a source package which contains all 'free' only
> sources?  If you need to do that, simply take a release from
> 'jboss-all/build/build.sh release', strip out the bits you deem non-free,
> hook those non-free bits up into the dependencies, then turn what is left
> over into a package.

Because then it is really free?  If anything inside a bundle is not free, it
taints the entire bundle.

I want the 'free' zip/tar to be available for download from jboss.org, so that
I can reference an md5sum for it, to show that I haven't modified the code.

> If you really need a untouched release from JBoss with out these, then we
> need to think about how that would be possible, if that would be possible.

Yes, I really would like this.

> I am open to ideas on how to seperate these, though I can tell you that
> things like 'go download x from x.com, y from y.com' and so on will not fly.
> I would expect that if this worked at all it would be, here is the
> jboss-xxx.zip with LGPL and here is jboss-thirdparty-xxx.zip with (long list
> of varing licenses which allow us to distribute it).
> A user would then unzip each at the same level and have a happy release to
> start using.

cvs co jboss-all
cd jboss-all
# this gives jboss*, plus tools and thirdparty.
ant build free-dist
# This creates zips/tars of everything BUT tools/thirdparty.
ant build nonfree-dist
# This creates zips/tars of tools/thirdparty.
ant build dist
# This creates zips/tars of everything.

Doing simple exlusions like above seems easy to do.

I don't care how jboss is stored in cvs.  I'm just interested in the final
files that get downloaded.

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