On 2001.11.22 02:34:39 -0500 Jason Dillon wrote:
> This makes alot of sence, would it be hard to augment the deployer in
> such a 
> fashion as to make the window smaller?
> --jason

I think offhand this would not be so easy.  I think (without having
checked) that what takes the most time is constructing all the objects to
support the files - mbeans, interceptors, etc.  This usually starts with
the mbean being created.  With our current mbean naming system, this would
mean the old mbean had to go away first. (same for jndi bindings -- and I
dont' have a solution for them yet).

At one point we discussed having versioned mbeans -- another ObjectName
component version=1234. Adding this, (except for the jndi), you could have
2 deployed versions at the same time.  External (to the deployed objects)
ObjectName references would have to be changed into queries to get the last
version. Maybe a proxy mbean could store the "deployed version" and forward
to it.

Anyway, this would allow old requests to finish using the old mbeans while
new ones used the new deployment.  After a suitable time period the old
mbeans could be undeployed.

david jencks

> > What I would really like, is to see that a redeploy needs to happen,
> and have
> > the new file extracted into a new directory first, THEN have the old
> version
> > undeployed, then have the new one deployed, then have the old one
> deleted.
> > 
> > The current way things are done, there is a big window open while the
> > undeployment and redeployment is happening.
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