|Right now, shutdown happens by stopping, destroying, and unregistering all
|mbeans the ServiceController knows about.  Since MainDeployer is not one of
|them, and since deployments are not usually mbeans themselves, this means
|the deployers don't get to do any cleanup and that in particular the local
|copies of deployed packages are never deleted.  This sucks, and several
|people have complained about it.

yes it does suck, clearly.  I remember that there was a "remove EJBs" in the
old factory.

We should clearly call MainDeployer (register it when we can then) as I
remember coding support for a full shutdown.

|We could:
|1. Change shutdown so that MainDeployer is a registered mbean with
|ServiceController, and it's destroy method simply kills all the local
|copies.  This would presumably be about as fast as what we are doing now.

Yes, and I remember coding the "stop" that calls all the deployments? (is
that right?)

however this should be done through the respective deployers (they know what
to do) and I remember coding it that way (is that right?).

|2. Change shutdown so that first all deployed packages are undeployed ( in
|reverse order), then any remaining mbeans are stopped, destroyed, and
|removed.  This is apt to take longer than what we do now, but does allow
|deployers to do arbitrary cleanup.

this is achieved by putting the deployer as the last service and first
I don't think we care.


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