
we already support the multiple configuration thing by passing the directory
as an argument

run jetty runs with the jetty configuration
run tomcat runs with the tomcat conf

what we change are the jboss.jcml (in 2.4) and the standardjboss.xml, this
is what they are they for (congrats on finding it out :)

That being said I never thought of the "mixed mode" where you need IIOP and
JRMP, making the invocation layer the root of the configuration sounds a bit
odd at this point (but we never know).  I say let people use this stuff if
they come back with a request that looks vaguely like your idea then we
could probably think about the mixed mode.

Again, switching mode is done at the command prompt already


|-----Original Message-----
|[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of
|Francisco Reverbel
|Sent: Tuesday, March 19, 2002 3:10 PM
|Subject: [JBoss-dev] Multiple server configurations
|While working on the IIOP module, I have used an "IIOP server
|configuration" that turns IIOP into the default.
|Let me put it more clearly: by default, EJBs are deployed in a
|JRMP container. If I want an EJB to be deployed in an IIOP container,
|I must add to its jboss.xml file an element like
|<configuration-name>IIOP Stateless SessionBean</configuration-name>
|To avoid doing this for many EJBs, I created a special server
|configuration. This configuration has a modified standardjboss.xml,
|in which IIOP container configurations have "standard"
|container-names: "Standard Stateless SessionBean", and so on.
|JRMP container configurations have "non-standard" container-names:
|"JRMP Stateless SessionBean", and so on.
|This simple trick spared me the trouble of having almost identical
|EJB jars (the only difference being a configuration-name element in
|jboss.xml) to deploy in JRMP and in IIOP containers. If I start JBoss
|with plain '', my EJBs are deployed in a JRMP container. If I
|start it with ' -c=iiop', the same EJBs are deployed in an IIOP
|I was wondering if this setting would be useful for others, then had
|an idea... Wouldn't it be nice to have both configurations active at
|once? I mean: if one could have two different deploy directories
|simultaneously handled by the server, by saying something like
| -c default -c iiop
|Want your EJB deployed in a JRMP container? Drop it in default/deploy...
|Want it deployed in an IIOP container? Drop it in iiop/deploy...
|Of course, the configuration-name entry in the EJB's jboss.xml (if
|present) would still override the server configuration.
|Am I too far off? Does this make any sense? Would this idea be
|useful for other ( containers?
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