1. I think it would be 2 copies of maybe EJBDeployer or a metadata class. I
guess you'd need 2 MainDeployers so each could send ejb-jars to the
appropriate EJBDeployer.

2. I thought marc had an idea of separating the container and interceptor
stack from the invoker, so many invokers could use the same
container/stack/ejb.  I think this is a more promising way to go -- you can
say "all my ejbs should be invokable from JRMP and IIOP" or one or the
other individually.

I may have missed something here, let me know.

david jencks

On 2002.03.20 10:08:48 -0500 Francisco Reverbel wrote:
> On Tue, 19 Mar 2002, Jason Dillon wrote:
> > Useful, yes... practical... probably not.  With the current system 
> > configuration this would be difficult to implement and still provide a 
> > consistent view of the basic configuration attributes.
> I don't see this very clearly... Wouldn't be mostly a matter of setting
> up more than one MainDeployer, each seeing a different standardjboss.xml
> resource? 
> > It seems like you want to provide an easy way to enable/disable jrmp & 
> > iiop... it might be better to define some system properties to control 
> > this.  Perhaps then use a switchable interceptor to handle the 
> > invocation layer?  This way there is only one set of standard 
> > configurations which are both rmi and iiop capable depending on the 
> > value of some set of properties.
> Well, multiple server configurations are not strictly necessary. 
> They could be convenient in some situations, just that. 
> JBoss already provides ways to switch between JRMP & IIOP. Right now you 
> can pick one of the following options:
>  1) change jboss.xml within your EJB jars, or
>  2) (if you do not want to change your EJB jars) 
>     use a separate JBoss server, whose configuration renders unnecessary
>     any changes the jboss.xml files in your EJB jars.
> My suggestion aimed at avoiding both the need for changes in your EJB
> jars 
> and the need for a separate JBoss server. You "switchable interceptor"
> hint
> sounds interesting, but where the "switch control" would be? If it would
> be
> in the jboss.xml files within your EJB jars, then it buys us nothing.
> > Or something... I don't know, but I would not like to see the system 
> > augmented to support multipule configurations as you show in your
> example.
> I will not try to push my idea on you, as I really do not know how useful
> it
> would be in real scenarios.
> Best,
> Francisco
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