Perhaps the invoker configuration should be seperate and parrallel to 
the container configuration?


Francisco Reverbel wrote:

>Hi Marc,
>On Wed, 20 Mar 2002, marc fleury wrote:
>>we already support the multiple configuration thing by passing the directory
>>as an argument
>Yes, but you can specify only one configuration at a time.
>>run jetty runs with the jetty configuration
>>run tomcat runs with the tomcat conf
>>what we change are the jboss.jcml (in 2.4) and the standardjboss.xml, this
>>is what they are they for (congrats on finding it out :)
>That was not really hard... :-)
>>That being said I never thought of the "mixed mode" where you need IIOP and
>>JRMP, making the invocation layer the root of the configuration sounds a bit
>>odd at this point (but we never know).  I say let people use this stuff if
>>they come back with a request that looks vaguely like your idea then we
>>could probably think about the mixed mode.
>I fully agree. Please see my earlier reply to Jason. 
>Just want to make it clear that we already have a "mixed mode" in some
>sense. Right now you can deploy an EJB jar into an JRMP container and 
>another one into an IIOP container. Both at the same time and on the 
>same running server. 
>But the EJB jars must be different, of course! 
>At least one of them must have something that says:
>  "rather than deploying me into a container of the default kind, deploy me
>   into a container of kind X". 
>My idea would buy us just one thing: _the_same_ EJB jar file could be 
>deployed into different containers within the same running server.
>>Again, switching mode is done at the command prompt already
>>|-----Original Message-----
>>|[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of
>>|Francisco Reverbel
>>|Sent: Tuesday, March 19, 2002 3:10 PM
>>|Subject: [JBoss-dev] Multiple server configurations
>>|While working on the IIOP module, I have used an "IIOP server
>>|configuration" that turns IIOP into the default.
>>|Let me put it more clearly: by default, EJBs are deployed in a
>>|JRMP container. If I want an EJB to be deployed in an IIOP container,
>>|I must add to its jboss.xml file an element like
>>|<configuration-name>IIOP Stateless SessionBean</configuration-name>
>>|To avoid doing this for many EJBs, I created a special server
>>|configuration. This configuration has a modified standardjboss.xml,
>>|in which IIOP container configurations have "standard"
>>|container-names: "Standard Stateless SessionBean", and so on.
>>|JRMP container configurations have "non-standard" container-names:
>>|"JRMP Stateless SessionBean", and so on.
>>|This simple trick spared me the trouble of having almost identical
>>|EJB jars (the only difference being a configuration-name element in
>>|jboss.xml) to deploy in JRMP and in IIOP containers. If I start JBoss
>>|with plain '', my EJBs are deployed in a JRMP container. If I
>>|start it with ' -c=iiop', the same EJBs are deployed in an IIOP
>>|I was wondering if this setting would be useful for others, then had
>>|an idea... Wouldn't it be nice to have both configurations active at
>>|once? I mean: if one could have two different deploy directories
>>|simultaneously handled by the server, by saying something like
>>| -c default -c iiop
>>|Want your EJB deployed in a JRMP container? Drop it in default/deploy...
>>|Want it deployed in an IIOP container? Drop it in iiop/deploy...
>>|Of course, the configuration-name entry in the EJB's jboss.xml (if
>>|present) would still override the server configuration.
>>|Am I too far off? Does this make any sense? Would this idea be
>>|useful for other ( containers?
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