Yes, of course it depends it the company's requirement, and also on 
the design of the system. If the whole architecture is screwed up, no 
matter how good the application server is, it won't cut it. And off 
course JBoss has a major price advantage ( My own company's servers are 
running on JBoss 2.4.4 on linux, and I'm the one who put them there, but 
my company's requirements are not the same my company's customers... ). 
The problem is that from what I got from the whole article, is that it 
doesn't just say JBoss is a very good app server, it says it's THE BEST 
.... I quote '
Though a free offering, JBoss quashes the old adage that "you get what 
you pay for.

to me IMO that sounds like saying that JBoss can do everything all the 
other app servers can do, which is not the case, and not just talking of 
the clustering capacities, for example
Certificate based authentication for the web server doesn't seem to work 
as far as I could find. Maybe that is not the message that was being 
attempted to be sent, but I believe that's the message the whole thing 
sent through. Like I mentioned in the other email, it's a question of 
expectations. and that kind of award bumps up ALOT people's expectation 
alot. And when it comes to this kind of products, you don't get many 
chances to win people's hearts. If you burn them once, you probably 
won't manage to ever convince them to even bother trying again. If that 
award had been for 3.0, It would have been quite ok, but 2.4 ..... erm...

Luke Taylor wrote:

> Yannick Menager wrote:
> >
> ...
>> But saying that JBoss can do everything a commercial appserver like 
>> wls, is to raise expectations in such a way that it can actually harm 
>> JBoss.... If some people have high requirements in terms of 
>> scalability and fault tolerance, and decide to use JBoss after seeing 
>> this article, they'll run in big trouble when they find out the 
>> differences. 
> I disagree here too. In my experince many clients find out exactly the 
> opposite - that they've been sold a huge capacity, 
> "dual-clustered-weblogic-on-sun-E999999-boxes-with-replicated-oracle-db 
> " setup for a system that could be run on a single decent specced box 
> running open source server software for a *miniscule* fraction of the 
> price, usually because of the vested interests/commission of the 
> software companies they were dealing with.
> Nobody should deploy on anything unless they've done realistic tests 
> of the system with a realisitic simulation of the expected load. They 
> should evaluate JBoss the same as any other server - if it fits their 
> needs then they save a packet.
> Luke.

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