onsdagen den 13 november 2002 kl 23.56 skrev Dain Sundstrom:
public interface MetaDataRepository {
   MetaDataRepository getParent();
   void setParent(MetaDataRepository parent);
   Object get(Object attributeKey);
   void set(Object attributeKey, Object value);
maybe add
void setJDBCBackend(url, u, p);
void serConf(path);

Basically this is a plain old map with a possible parent. Exactly how this is implemented, I really don't care; it is a detail. I'm going to write one backed by a HashMap, and we can throw it away later. For attribute keys, I'm thinking of things like MethodTxAttribute that has a method object inside of it. Alternatively, we could lookup by method and get another map back. I don't like that one because it would be too hard to manage with any user interface. There are a million ways to skin this cat. Does anyone have any ideas on how to organize the keys?

The final problem is how do we keep this repository in sync with the physical store. For this I would guess we need some sort of listener or notification system. This isn't one of my current problems so I haven't thought about it too much.
hmmm ... me thinks hsqldb is way underused as a admin tool in jboss today ... hehe ... i am biased ... yes ...

hsqldb has a pluggable listener called Trigger.class with one method public void fire(String trigName, String tabName, Object row[]);

so when an jboss instance starts ... it would ofcource need some core configuration either as a xml-file or class.ser ? then one could start a "jdbc:hsqldb:hsql:." instance and go get configuration - also when db changes it will notify other db's throughout *hsqldbr and there is our "distributed metadata repository" ... all sql, all libs in there already ... cool ...



* <P>Sample code for use of triggers in hsqldb.
* SQL to invoke is:<p>
* ON myTable [FOR EACH ROW] [QUEUE n] [NOWAIT] CALL "myPackage.trigClass"<br>
* This will create a thread that will wait for its firing event to occur;
* when this happens, the trigger's thread runs the 'trigClass.fire'
* Note that this is still in the same Java Virtual Machine as the
* database, so make sure the fired method does not hang.<p>
* There is a queue of events waiting to be run by each trigger thread.
* This is particularly useful for 'FOR EACH ROW' triggers, when a large
* number of trigger events occur in rapid succession, without the trigger
* thread getting a chance to run. If the queue becomes full, subsequent
* additions to it cause the database engine to suspend awaiting space
* in the queue. Take great care to avoid this situation if the trigger
* action involves accessing the database, as deadlock will occur.
* This can be avoided either by ensuring the QUEUE parameter makes a large
* enough queue, or by using the NOWAIT parameter, which causes a new
* trigger event to overwrite the most recent event in the queue.
* The default queue size is 1024.<p>
* Ensure that "myPackage.trigClass" is present in the classpath which
* you use to start hsql.<p>
* If the method wants to access the database, it must establish
* a JDBC connection.<p>
* When the 'fire' method is called, it is passed the following arguments:<br>
* fire (String trigName, String tabName, Object row[])<br>
* where 'row' represents the row acted on, with each column being
* a member of the array. The mapping of row classes to database
* types is specified in /doc/hsqlSyntax.html#Datatypes
* For implementation at a later date:<br>
* 1. jdbc:default:connection: URL for JDBC trigger method connections to
* the database.<br>
* 2. arguments to the trigger method.<br>
* 3. Because they run in different threads, it is possible for an
* 'after' trigger to run before its corresponding 'before' trigger;
* the acceptability of this needs to be investigated.
* @author Peter Hudson
* @version 1.7.0
public class TriggerSample implements org.hsqldb.Trigger {

* fire method declaration
* <P> This is a sample implementation that simply prints information
* about the trigger firing.
* @param trigName
* @param tabName
* @param row
public void fire(String trigName, String tabName, Object row[]) {

System.out.println(trigName + " trigger fired on " + tabName);
System.out.print("col 0 value <");

// you can cast row[i] given your knowledge of what the table
// format is.

* test SQL
* CREATE CACHED TABLE trig_test (int_field integer)
* CREATE TRIGGER ins_before BEFORE INSERT ON trig_test CALL "org.hsqldb.sample.TriggerSample"
* CREATE TRIGGER ins_after AFTER INSERT ON trig_test CALL "org.hsqldb.sample.TriggerSample"
* CREATE TRIGGER upd_before BEFORE UPDATE ON trig_test CALL "org.hsqldb.sample.TriggerSample"
* CREATE TRIGGER upd_after AFTER UPDATE ON trig_test CALL "org.hsqldb.sample.TriggerSample"
* CREATE TRIGGER upd_before_row BEFORE UPDATE ON trig_test FOR EACH ROW CALL "org.hsqldb.sample.TriggerSample"
* CREATE TRIGGER upd_after_row AFTER UPDATE ON trig_test FOR EACH ROW CALL "org.hsqldb.sample.TriggerSample"
* CREATE TRIGGER del_before BEFORE DELETE ON trig_test CALL "org.hsqldb.sample.TriggerSample"
* CREATE TRIGGER del_after AFTER DELETE ON trig_test CALL "org.hsqldb.sample.TriggerSample"
* CREATE TRIGGER del_before_row BEFORE DELETE ON trig_test FOR EACH ROW CALL "org.hsqldb.sample.TriggerSample"
* CREATE TRIGGER del_after_row AFTER DELETE ON trig_test FOR EACH ROW CALL "org.hsqldb.sample.TriggerSample"
* INSERT INTO trig_test VALUES (1)
* INSERT INTO trig_test VALUES (2)
* INSERT INTO trig_test VALUES (3)
* UPDATE trig_test SET int_field = int_field + 3
* DELETE FROM trig_test


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