Title: Security

I have 3 questions. Help would be very nice.

How to set up simple authentization for users, so that only users in some table in database are allowed to connect, but guest is disabled. I only want to protect InitialContext from unknown users. What happens if jboss is using JAAS and client is not? Is client allowed to connect?

Plus additional question.
Suppose :
EJB1 ---> EJB2 --> EJB3 ---> DB
EJB4 ---> EJB5 --> EJB6 ---> DB
I would like to make avaliable to public only beans EJB1 and EJB4. How?

Plus additional question
EJB9 (session) ---> EJB10(session) ---> EJB11 (entity)---> DB
EJB9 creates new EJB10, EJB10 looksup EJB11 and does something. After transaction is commited, i have EJB10 floating around, since i can not remove it within transaction.

bye and thanx

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