Snjezana Peco [] created the discussion

"Re: broken jboss tools - generated maven seam project?"

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I have reviewed your screenshots. screen11.png shows mavenprj-ear which 
contains pom.xml, but the project that you have attached doesn't contain 
I see Maven build errors, but those errors happening because workspace 
resolution doesn't work for a flat layout project. You can ignore them.
A Maven EAR project can be built by rightclicking *-parent project and calling 
Run As>Maven clean, Run As>Maven package. You can deploy *-ear.ear file 
(archive) from the EAR-s target directory or deploy the project using JBoss 
Tools deploying actions in the Servers view.

Could you additionally attach your configuration:
Help>About Eclipse SDK>Installations Details>Configuration using the "Copy to 
Clipboard" button?

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