2008/6/13 Peter Saint-Andre <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Safa Sofuoğlu (one of our GSoC students) mentioned to me that XMPP
> clients need to provide localized versions of many protocol terms, but
> that there is no consistency for those terms. Examples include:
> 1. Concepts like "file transfer" and even "instant messaging"
> 2. Basic presence states like "away" and "dnd"
> 3. Moods (XEP-0107)
> 4. Activities (XEP-0108)
> 5. Chat states (XEP-0085)
> 6. And many more!
> Perhaps it would help client developers to create a jabber localization
> project ("jabber-babel?") to make this task easier for everyone? I'd be
> happy to start such a project on Google Code or wherever.

I already started with a page for Dutch ages ago:
Feel free to steal it.

Mvg, Sander Devrieze.
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