> I think your comments were primarily targeted at his experiments with the 
> navigation, right?  Or maybe it was both the navigation and the restyling of 
> the tables?

Right, my response was only about the "promotion" of some items that are always 
shown to the top bar, not about the client-side list view improvements. While 
we already have sorting, filtering might be really interesting if it performs 
well. I really only responded to the following:

> [Gus Reiber:] As a possible remedy to that bit of awkwardness, I am looking 
> at pulling some of the 'action' link list items out and displaying them in a 
> global toolbar sort of context. Jenkins Management, in particular seems like 
> it really should be clearly separated as a global set of actions, and not 
> bound to any particular build or custom view.

It also seems I misunderstood that part quite badly, I can no longer find where 
Gus wrote that the new "prominent items bar" should always contain the same 

> I wonder would it make sense to take a step back and draw a map of the 
> current navigation and how it changes depending on where you are in Jenkins?  
> Armed with that, then maybe we can make some proposals?

Navigation is essentially the breadcrumbs bar and the sidepanel. The problem in 
understanding them probably results from how complex it is: Jelly allows 
including other Jelly fragments, Stapler decides what get loaded at all, 
Jenkins behaves as if some items are implied (the default view), and by 
overriding a Java class you can also override resources. Some resources:

* http://stapler.kohsuke.org/what-is.html
* http://stapler.kohsuke.org/reference.html

Breadcrumbs are created by iterating over the items shown in the URL. If it's 
not in there, it's missing (except if on a config page, that can also show up 
there with its sections). Depending on which interfaces the items implement, 
you get a context menu (down arrow) and/or a children menu (right arrow).

The sidepanel is entirely provided by the currently active item:

* On the home page, it's the "Jenkins" object.
* In a folder, it's the folder.
* In a view, it's the view.
* In a job, it's the job.
* Other special pages, like plugin manager or security configuration, provide 
their own sidepanel.

However, these implementations can reference other objects that may or may not 
show up in the URL, have optional items, etc.

As an example, this is how the home page's sidepanel is built (# indicates a 
Jelly file being read, - an item created, * another remark) to give you an 
introduction in both reading these files, as well as what's involved in 
building the sidepanel for the home page:

# core/src/main/resources/jenkins/model/Jenkins/sidepanel.jelly:
  * Jenkins just forwards to its primary view in determining the items to be 
  # core/src/main/resources/jenkins/model/View/sidepanel.jelly:
    # Optional: Owner's tasks-top.jelly: If the view's owner/parent has a 
fragment for tasks to show at the top, include it. Not in the case of Jenkins.
    # Optional: Owner's tasks-new.jelly: Show the fragment of the 'owner' that 
shows the 'New Item' link. The included file can also be empty, removing the 
      - If there's no such fragment provided by the owner, show the default 
'New Item' link. Backwards compatibility if I had to guess.
    - Create the 'People' link (URL depending on whether it's the 'All' view or 
not: If it's not, add the view to the URL, resulting in 
    - 'Build History' link.
    * If the view is editable (the default 'All' view is not, but another view 
can be selected to be default):
      - Show 'Edit View'
    * Can the view be deleted (the default view cannot, but others usually can 
be unless the view's owner has some code that prevents it)?
      - If so, show 'Delete View'
    * Are there fingerprints recorded by Jenkins? If so:
     - Show 'Project Relationship'
     - Show 'Check File Fingerprint'
    # Optional subtype's sidepanel2.jelly: Subtypes of 'View' can provide 
additional items here without having to override this entire sidepanel.jelly 
they'd otherwise inherit. This is a bit like the strategy pattern if you know 
that from Java.
      - If you use Nested Views ("TreeView" in the code), this is where 'New 
View' is added.
    # core/src/main/resources/lib/hudson/actions.jelly: Display any actions 
associated with the current view
      * The view gets asked for actions to be displayed, and gathers actions to 
be shown in a view from its owner (jenkins.model.Jenkins#getViewActions()) and 
adds its own (hudson.model.View#getActions()). This is where plugins can just 
add arbitrary stuff by e.g. extending TransientViewActionFactory
        - If the action defines an icon, icon and display name are shown and 
link to the action's URL.

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