I agree about this need to remove as such as stuffs as possible by default
and to offer in counter part a better classification and organisation of
I would like to see a wizard like Intellij Idea has nowadays:
* Which SCM will you use ?
* Which langages will you use ?
* Which build tools will you use ?
* .....

On Wed, Aug 5, 2015 at 7:56 AM, Kohsuke Kawaguchi <k...@kohsuke.org> wrote:

> I'm coming back to age old discussions of JENKINS-9598
> <https://issues.jenkins-ci.org/browse/JENKINS-9598>.
> If you look at the out of the box experience of Jenkins today, it is
> really dated and not ideal. We have CVS and Subversion bundled out of the
> box, which is much less commonly used than before. We have some other very
> commonly used plugins, such as git plugin, parameterized-trigger plugin,
> envinject plugin, and so on not available out of the box.
> In addition, the critical new subsystem like workflow plugins are not made
> available out of the box to users, despite the fact that the industry is
> shifting from old days of build & test automation to continuous delivery.
> For many of us in this list who know Jenkins inside out, this is not a
> problem --- the first thing I do when I start a new Jenkins is to go to
> plugin manager and install a whole bunch of plugins. How hard can that be,
> you might ask.
> But stop for a second and think about the fact that in the past 12 months,
> we've added more than 30,000 installations. More and more new users are
> coming to Jenkins. Many of the admins of those 30,000 installations each
> had to learn what plugins are useful, which of the dozen "git" plugin is
> necessary, and discover that the workflow plugin is the way forward for
> writing a complex orchestration.
> I think we are creating less than steller experience for those users. It
> creates a wrong perception, and makes the barrier of entry harder.
> Back then we talked about this (and you can see some comment in
> JENKINS-9598 as well as the meeting minutes
> <http://meetings.jenkins-ci.org/jenkins/2013/jenkins.2013-07-10-18.00.log.html#l-6>),
> we have collectively felt that we don't just keep on adding more bundled
> plugins, and that the proper solution is to ship a lean jenkins.war that
> has a better setup wizard like experience, and among other things (such as
> some initial system config setup of key parameters), it'd help people
> install the right set of plugins.
> JENKINS-9598 was filed 4 years ago, and that meeting discussion happened 2
> years ago. I think it's safe to say as a community we have failed to
> address this problem. It is understandable because this is not a pain that
> many of the core contributors feel (and so we put more weight on downsides
> like download size increase.) I'm not trying to argue that the consensus
> built in JENKINS-9598 is wrong, but I feel that we are letting perfect get
> in the way of better.
> So this is a proposal to make one time reshuffling of the plugins that
> Jenkins bundles out of the box. We add the following plugins and their
> dependencies:
>    - git
>    - parameterized-trigger
>    - workflow
> Then remove the following plugins:
>    - cvs (split from core in 1.340, 929KB)
>    - ant (split from core in 1.430, 90KB)
>    - maven-plugin (split from core in 1.296, 11MB)
> This is a first step of improving the out of the box experience, and this
> journey will include a better setup wizard down the road, at which point we
> will get rid of the bundled plugins more or less entirely. This change will
> also not jeopardize the setup wizard change down the road. Unlike those
> plugins that were split off from the core, plugins that were born outside
> core can be unbundled any time at a later point without any backward
> compatibility consequences.
> The proposed change includes some plugin removals. This has a backward
> compatibility implication --- when we unbundle plugin that was split from
> core at 1.X, people upgrading directly from version <1.X will see a loss of
> functionality until s/he installs the plugin from plugin manager. S/he can
> avoid this problem by first upgrading to the version of Jenkins that
> bundles them as a plugin (say current LTS 1.609) instead of going straight
> to the latest. So the damage is limited. Given that and the fact that 1.430
> is released 4 years ago, I think this compatibility implication is very
> minor that only affects a very small set of people.
> I've added maven-plugin in the chopping block because it is by far the
> biggest plugin coming in at 11MB. Some of the concerns people raised in
> JENKINS-9598 was the increased download size. I'm worried a lot less about
> it than the out of the box experience, but nonetheless I tried to be
> considerate for those people. Removing 11MB from jenkins.war would offset
> the size increase coming from newly bundled plugins.
> Any objections, thoughts, feedbacks?
> --
> Kohsuke Kawaguchi
> --
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Arnaud Héritier
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