On Sun, Mar 11, 2018 at 6:43 AM <johan...@schnatterer.info> wrote:

> From a user perspective, I like your idea of a
> "pipeline.sharedlibrary.test" step and/or a "run-pipeline" CLI command.
> They would definitely solve configuration issues with plugins, docker, etc.
> Now, Jesse mentioned some implementation challenges in his post from Wed,
> 07 Mar 2018 13:04:46
> <https://groups.google.com/d/msg/jenkinsci-dev/gjz3CDhi-kk/yLIqqVGrAQAJ>,
> that I can't comment on, because I'm not that deep into Jenkins internals
> (yet?).
> In the meantime, Jesse also provided a workaround for loading a "local"
> shared lib <https://stackoverflow.com/a/49112612/1845976>. With this I
> implemented my first (very simple) integration test
> <https://github.com/cloudogu/ces-build-lib/blob/cd08237a19380b52279f7bd596ab6ff492bea06a/test/it/com/cloudogu/ces/cesbuildlib/Sh/Jenkinsfile>
> and run it successfully from the Jenkinsfile of the shared lib
> <https://github.com/cloudogu/ces-build-lib/blob/feature/integration-test-POC/Jenkinsfile#L87>
> 🎉


You meant asserts should already work? How would you do those in that
> scenario?

I was thinking you'd just put assert statements into Jenkinsfile and that
should already work. Granted, I haven't tried it so maybe it doesn't work.

This approach has of course the limitations we talked about, regarding the
> Jenkins configuration .
> In addition these tests would only be run on Jenkins and not when running
> the build locally with Maven.

I'm not sure if I follow you here. The two approaches that I was thinking
about were:

   - "Jenkinsfile Runner" that runs embedded Jenkins locally and runs
   Jenkinsfile in there
   - "run-pipeline CLI command" that submits Jenkinsfile into an existing
   Jenkins server and run it there and send the result back

"pipeline.sharedlibrary.test" is just a pipeline step that runs tests in
some form. In each of the above two versions we can think of their
corresponding "pipeline.sharedlibrary.test" step.

> So right now, I think a better approach would be to provide a Java library
> that allows for running Jenkinsfiles.
> It could be used to implement e.g. JUnit tests that are run by build tools
> such as maven locally (e.g. with the failsafe plugin) and in the same way
> in the Jenkinsfile.
> This library could abstract from the concrete execution with could either
> be
> - Jenkinsfile runner with local plugin folder
> - Jenkinsfile runner in Docker
> - "pipeline.sharedlibrary.test" step
> - a "run-pipeline" CLI command.

I was kind of trying to avoid doing 4 different things that each has
different unique trade-offs that only Jenkins experts would understand.

You have mentioned two primary use cases for you, pipeline development and
shared library development. I think we can find one solution that works for
those two cases. I just need to think about this.

The downside would be that such an implementation wouldn't be trivial. And,
> unfortunately, I can't invest to much of my free time right now.

Your feedback has been very helpful, and I appreciate the time you are
investing in those.

> Am Dienstag, 6. März 2018 22:23:26 UTC+1 schrieb Kohsuke Kawaguchi:
>> On Sun, Mar 4, 2018 at 8:13 AM <joha...@schnatterer.info> wrote:
>>> I think Jenkinsfile Runner brings a lot of opportunities for pipeline
>>> developers. The most obvious ones to me are
>>>    1. Pipeline development (Jenkinsfile)
>>>    2. Shared library development
>>> *Pipeline development*
>>> Right now (as described by others in this thread) pipeline development
>>> is either a loop of committing / fixing pipelines on production Jenkins,
>>> using pipeline replay on production Jenkins or setting up a local instance
>>> manually.
>>> With Jenkinsfile Runner we can get faster feedback without polluting our
>>> commit or Jenkins build history and don't have to set up a local instance
>>> manually.
>> Right. I think we all get this basic picture. Details are where things
>> get interesting!
>> *Shared library development*
>>> Shared library development right now works much in the same as pipeline
>>> development, except that you have the library code and another (often
>>> production) Jenkinsfile to maintain, in order to try out (as opposed to
>>> automatically test) your Jenkinsfile.
>>> For shared libraries, we thankfully already have JenkinsPipelineUnit,
>>> that makes it easier to implement some tests. However, (as also mentioned
>>> by others in this thread) this is unit testing only. It mocks most of our
>>> environment. Often, green unit tests mean nothing for productive use of our
>>> share library. I even gave up test-driven development for shared libraries,
>>> in favor of 90s try-and-error-style programming. Because most of the time
>>> when trying the library with green unit tests in production, it turns out
>>> that the real Jenkins environment has some restriction that is beyond the
>>> scope of JenkinsPieplineUnit (e.g. sandboxing).
>> Worst thing about the current state is that we don't have reliable
>>> regression tests. A change in shared library with green unit tests is far
>>> from convincing me that the library will continue to work in production.
>>> With Jenkinsfile Runner we could write small Jenkinsfiles within the
>>> shared library repo's test folder and run them from the Jenkinsfile of the
>>> shared lib. Pretty much in the same way as we use Maven Invoker Plugin (as
>>> mentioned by Jesse) when developing maven plugins.
>> OK, thank you, this is really helpful. I think maven invoker plugin
>> analogy is a great one for somebody like me. So from this perspective,
>> mocking isn't really high on the priority.
>>> *A first approach to shared library integration testing with Jenkinsfile
>>> Runner*
>>> My naive first approach was to build a Docker Image that contains
>>> Jenkinsfile Runner and all default plugins.
>>> docker run -v~/src/it/myfunction:/workspace schnatterer/jenkinsfile-
>>> runner:1.0-SNAPSHOT-2.108 /workspace
>>> runs the ~/foo/Jenkinsfile using Jenkinsfile Runner with all default
>>> plugins of Jenkins 2.108.
>>> My idea was to eventually do the same in Jenkinsfile of the shared lib
>>> like so (not tested)
>>> docker.image('schnatterer/jenkinsfile-runner:1.0-SNAPSHOT-2.108').inside
>>> {
>>>     sh 'jenkinsfile-runner /app/jenkins /app/plugins src/it/myfunction'
>>> }
>>> or
>>> sh 'docker run --rm -v $(pwd):$(pwd) src/it/myfunction'
>> So if this is the intended use case, then I have another idea. Instead of
>> running Jenkinsfile in this CLI and try to emulate your Jenkins instance as
>> closely as possible (in terms of configuration), we could just run
>> Jenkinsfile in the current Jenkins, in a place that nobody else can see.
>> For example, packaged as CLI, you'd run it like:
>>    $ java -jar jenkins-cli.jar -s https://jenkins.example.com/
>> run-pipeline ./src/it/myfunction
>> Or from within Jenkinsfile, could be something like:
>>   pipeline.sharedlibrary.test './src/it/myfunction'
>> ... and this would completely bypass the challenge of trying to replicate
>> the Jenkins configuration.
>>> It turned out that there a two major problems:
>>>    1. There's no way to add non-default Jenkins plugins.
>>>    My local test for cloudogu/ces-build-lib
>>>    <https://github.com/cloudogu/ces-build-lib> failed because there was
>>>    no GitHub Groovy Libraries plugin.
>>>    Here, my hope is that Configuration-as-code plugin might help
>>>    automate loading plugins.
>>> Yeah, I'm really looking forward for CaC project to fill this gap, and I
>> know they are working on it.
>> <https://github.com/jenkinsci/jep/pull/59/files>
>>>    1. There's still no way to load a "local" shared library from the
>>>    same repo. So, we still would have to find a way to configure the shared
>>>    library in our Jenkinsfile Runner.
>>>    Loading local shared libraries has already been discussed here
>>>    <https://github.com/jenkinsci/workflow-cps-global-lib-plugin/pull/37>
>>>    and there <https://stackoverflow.com/q/46213913/1845976>.
>>> Good point.
>>> Once those issues are solved, we'll have a very basic way of automating
>>> integration tests for shared libraries by executing IT Jenkinsfiles from
>>> the shared libraries pipeline and failing the build if the IT fails.
>> That'd be really cool, isn't it!?
>>> Of course, this would be very basic testing. For more sophistiated
>>> testing we would want to
>>>    - trigger the ITs from maven or gradle,
>>>    - use asserts,
>>>    - get the results as JUnit XML.
>>> So, yes, we're not there yet. But we now have a foundation to build all
>>> this upon.
>> asserts would already work, right? It seems like we can do that
>> relatively easily on its own.
>> But with that aside, I think I understand the picture in your head. You
>> are really approaching it like Maven plugin development. Indeed this would
>> help illustrate relative strength of both JenkinsPipelineUnit and
>> "integration tests"
>>> Thanks for that & best regards,
>>> Johannes
>>> Am Donnerstag, 1. März 2018 20:23:15 UTC+1 schrieb Kohsuke Kawaguchi:
>>>> Jenkinsfile Runner is an experiment to package Jenkins pipeline
>>>> execution as a command line tool. The intend use cases include:
>>>>    - Use Jenkins in Function-as-a-Service context
>>>>    - Assist editing Jenkinsfile locally
>>>>    - Integration test shared libraries
>>>> Over the past year, I've done some deep-dive 1:1 conversations with
>>>> some Jenkins users and I felt something like this might move the needle for
>>>> them in an important way.
>>>> I'd love to hear any reactions on your side. Could something like this
>>>> be important for you, does it miss any key points for you? If you mentally
>>>> picture a perfect version of this, what would that do, and how would you
>>>> use?
>>>> Let me know!
>>>> --
>>>> Kohsuke Kawaguchi
>>> Am Donnerstag, 1. März 2018 20:23:15 UTC+1 schrieb Kohsuke Kawaguchi:
>>>> Jenkinsfile Runner is an experiment to package Jenkins pipeline
>>>> execution as a command line tool. The intend use cases include:
>>>>    - Use Jenkins in Function-as-a-Service context
>>>>    - Assist editing Jenkinsfile locally
>>>>    - Integration test shared libraries
>>>> Over the past year, I've done some deep-dive 1:1 conversations with
>>>> some Jenkins users and I felt something like this might move the needle for
>>>> them in an important way.
>>>> I'd love to hear any reactions on your side. Could something like this
>>>> be important for you, does it miss any key points for you? If you mentally
>>>> picture a perfect version of this, what would that do, and how would you
>>>> use?
>>>> Let me know!
>>>> --
>>>> Kohsuke Kawaguchi
>>> --
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>> Kohsuke Kawaguchi
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