The file (http://web.centre.edu/muzyka/organic/butane/butane.xyz) DOES exist.  
Simple.htm and butane.xyz ARE in the same directory (with the same spelling and 
the same case).

Angel's suggestion allowed me to get something working, although I didn't have 
exactly the same situation as he thought.  To get it to work, I have to put 
simple.htm inside the folder where the jmol files are.  That seems strange, but 
I'm happy that I finally got it working.  I previously had them in separate 
folders inside the same folder.

-----Original Message-----


Message: 7
Date: Thu, 7 Jul 2005 17:17:50 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Re: [Jmol-users] beginning Jmol website
From: "Miguel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: jmol-users@lists.sourceforge.net
Reply-To: jmol-users@lists.sourceforge.net

> I see the file there from my ftp program, so I'm confused.  My
> page is at http://web.centre.edu/muzyka/organic/butane/simple.htm

butane.xyz does not exist in the same directory as simple.htm

Restated, this file should exist, but does not:


If you *really* think that you see it in the same directory, then check
the spelling and check the CASE of the filename (although I do not believ=
that case sensitivity should be an issue since your web server is running=




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