Hi Rick

2016-11-17 18:07 GMT+01:00 <rick.latr...@gmail.com>:

> Thanks, I understand the issue.
> But keep in mind, that the main issue in serialization and deserialization
> of jOOQ Records is the aforementioned use of toString as a last resort.
> toString will yield in almost any case to serialized (json) data which is
> not deserializable anymore, as user types usually don't have a string based
> constructor.

You're right. I'm sorry, I've overlooked that detail. I do think that is a
separate topic from the binding/converter issue. I mean, if you want the
BIGINT to be serialised to JSON, then why put a converter there in the
first place? The converter will guarantee that the Result<?> object will
contain your user type, not the database type. From then on, the database
type is irrelevant in all further processing.

Now, I do agree that there should be extra functionality to intercept that
last resort toString() call.

> So I would suggest to go with sql datatypes <T>.
> Here the value of the user type <U> needs to be converted back to <T>
> during format json.
> Then serialize the known sql datatype to json.
> In this case json would have BIGINT with the Long value.

Again, I don't see the point of your suggestion:

1. From a backwards compatibility perspective, that change is almost
impossible (imagine a converter that doesn't change the type but just the
value, etc...)
2. Why have a converter in place in the first place, if you as a user
*know* that you'll want the database type in the end result?

In any case, I think that you're right in general, and jOOQ should offer an
SPI (probably based again on Converter) for custom serialisation /
deserialisation, e.g. a Converter<T, String>. I've registered another
feature request for this:

Does that respond to your needs?

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