As other have pointed out, Josm itself has no restrictions, but for
example, Bing imagery does. You can't use it for non-OSM projects
AFAIK, as an example.

And of course there are data license issues with various data sources.

- Serge

On Thu, Nov 20, 2014 at 6:51 AM, Tobias Wendorff
<> wrote:
> Hi there,
> JOSM is one of the best mapping tools with topological support.
> In comparism to widely spread CAD software, like Microstation,
> it's reduced to the needs of a mapper. Missing features, like
> mapping bank/slops can easily be added by external python scripts.
> My clients often ask whether JOSM can be used for non-OSM data or
> mapped data strictly has to be release under ODbL (or similar).
> If there are such terms and conditions, would it be possible to
> use OSM for commercial mapping when donating to the OSM foundation
> or JOSM developers? I know many people, who would pay a fee for
> using JOSM, since it's exactly what they need to simplify daily
> work and raise productivity.
> Best regards,
> Tobias
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