Interesting. You don't even need to load the OSM base layer, just open your 
change file and play around with it to see what displays and what you can 

Looks like it happens on several different viewing styles, so probably not an 
issue with a specific display style as such.

To make things more confusing to me, when you open the .osm file JOSM seems to 
renumber all the nodes and ways so when I select something and get info on it 
and then look at the OSM XML they don't match so it is hard to line up what I 
see in JOSM with what I see in a text editor.

Just loading the change OSM XML file then selecting an area with no data shows 
a bunch of <different> values in the tags implying multiple objects selected. 
But doesn't show which nodes or ways it actually selected. And using the "3" to 
zoom to selection doesn't work for whatever was selected.

I'm not an expert on the OSM XML file format but I've written some scripts that 
generate that type of file for some of my local (non-OSM) data and your file 
looks reasonable to me.

Looks to me like a couple of bugs in JOSM (display and select).


On Mar 8, 2015, at 10:11 PM, Martijn van Exel wrote:

> Hey all,
> I just had a weird experience with a JOSM XML file where some ways are
> present but not visible on the map. I described the issue in some detail in
> my diary:
> Before I open a ticket I just want to make sure I am not missing something?
> Thanks!
> -- 
> Martijn van Exel
> skype: mvexel
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