Ok there is some progress...

I manage to get the error in Firefox too !

How can I do that ? Let me explain everything :

In IE :
The error shows up when I try to login AND when the login is
successful (but strangely, it still occurs in the login.php page
instead of main.php)

In FF :
The errors shows up directly in the login.php page when I hit F5 twice
quickly, but it never happens when I hit F5 just once, or when I
successfully log in. In that case (successful login) nobody (in FF)
yells an error (Firebug or WebDeveloper). When I have the error (the
F5 twice thing), the error shows up only in Firebug.
Unfortunately, the stack trace does not allow me to detect the
"previous JS error thing", as all the functions logged in the stack
trace are in jQuery.

Here is the log :
document.body is null
? in jquery-1.3.2.min...@3200()jquery-1....2.min.js (ligne 3204)
? in jquery-1.3.2.min...@3031()jquery-1....2.min.js (ligne 3032)
? in jquery-1.3.2.min...@671()jquery-1....2.min.js (ligne 692)
? in jquery-1.3.2.min...@3022()jquery-1....2.min.js (ligne 3031)
? in jquery-1.3.2.min...@3054()jquery-1....2.min.js (ligne 3056)
[Break on this error] document.body.appendChild( div );

When I try to put on purpose a buggy line in the first (last called,
actually ?!) line of the stack trace, in order to maybe see what line
of my code is buggy, I am out of luck as the new stack trace points
only to jquery-3.2.js lines.

Please... Help... I am stuck now, as it is a professionnal application
and I can't commit anything as long as it does not work in IE6...

Thank you all,


On Jun 8, 6:50 am, Lideln <lid...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> Thank you all for your answers !
> The problem is, that nobody else got this error, just me. And the
> other problem is that neither Firebug or WebDeveloper tell me of
> errors (they both detect different errors sometimes). IE6 bugs only on
> this line, and I tried to comment the inclusion of the two jquery
> plugins I am using, with no success.
> The problem does not seem to occur in IE7.
> I reverted all my changes and it still does not work... It's really
> confusing !
> I will try today, but if someone has an idea, or got this error and
> found out why, I would be glad to hear because I really tried a lot of
> things to make it work...
> Thanks,
> Lideln
> On 7 juin, 05:47, Ricardo <ricardob...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > That's a check for proper W3C box model support, as you can see it
> > runs on document.ready (jQuery(function...), so it's impossible that
> > the document body doesn't exist yet. Kranti is right, it's likely a
> > previous error that's causing it.
> > On Jun 5, 9:07 am, Lideln <lid...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > Hi !
> > > I have an issue... What is weird, is that my colleagues don't have
> > > it ! (and I did not have it this morning)
> > > It happens only on IE6... Everything is fine under Firefox (3), Safari
> > > (4 beta) and Opera (9.64).
> > > When logging in into my application, IE tells me "document.body is
> > > null or is not an object".
> > > I have the IE6 debugger installed, and it points me toward : (I used
> > > the "normal" jquery version to show the plain text code)
> > > [code]
> > > // Figure out if the W3C box model works as expected
> > > // document.body must exist before we can do this
> > > jQuery(function(){
> > >         var div = document.createElement("div");
> > >         div.style.width = div.style.paddingLeft = "1px";
> > >         document.body.appendChild( div ); <--- error happens here
> > >         jQuery.boxModel = jQuery.support.boxModel = div.offsetWidth === 2;
> > >         document.body.removeChild( div ).style.display = 'none';});
> > > [/code]
> > > How can this be possible ?
> > > Thank you for any possible lead that could help me get rid of this
> > > error...
> > > Kind regards,

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