----Original Message-----
From: Lance Lavandowska <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Wednesday, June 16, 1999 10:15 AM
Subject: Re: only one independent multi-platform servlet/jsp engine vendor
left ?

>I'm not sure I follow your assertion "there basically is only one
>independent servlet/jsp engine vendor left for production quality
>multi-platform support".  Allaire is allied with M$, is that what you are
>referring to?  If Sun where to buy ServletExec (that is who you are
>referring to, right?), how would they then classify as "independant"?
My concern is that Allaire may decide to bundle servlet/jsp
with their products, much like what other application server
vendors do.  If you only want serlvet/jsp engine for IIS and Netscape,
then SE may become the only choice.  (Of course, it would be
a different story if MS/NS decide to support servlet/jsp right out of
the box.)

Now, Sun's interest is in spreading servlet/jsp technology,
which I think is slightly different from Allaire or SE.  That is
why I think Sun is a better entity to ensure just that, rather
than the market.  With only two players, it wasn't much of a market


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