Hi Sam,

I am in the process of writing the EDR2 spec and it should be ready for the EG to review within the next few weeks. Once the spec is available, I hope it will give the EG a clearer overall picture in terms of the current JSR state. I will also provide a TODO list as you suggested.

- Stanley

Sam Pullara wrote:
I meant so that JSR-277 would get into JDK 7 regardless of the decisions we make around interoperability. What I would like from Stanley is a list of things that the expert group needs to do and dates by when they need to be done to ensure that whatever choices are made actually make it into JSR-277. There has been some question in the community as to whether or not JSR-277 would even make it into JDK 7 based on the public schedule of the project.

Sorry about the confusion,

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