Took me about 2 minutes to call McCain and Kyl - because I had the
numbers right in the email.

Never underestimate the power of big money, soulless corporate
entities, and their lobbyists to spread corruption and evil.  I for
one definitely don't mind getting stuff like this on the list.  We
need information, cooperation and action to fight the widespread
ignorance in America and make a change.

-- Chad

On 6/15/06, Andrew Lenards <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I spoked with Senator Kyl's office and left a message for Senator
McCain.  Took all of 5 minutes to do.  I hope others are calling.  I'm
quite shocked this made it out of the House.


On 6/14/06, Nick Lesiecki <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Heed Tom's words, get educated, and please let your senators know how
> you feel! Those of us living in the bay area can usually count on our
> representatives to be pro-sensible-internet-policy. It would help if
> Arizona's senators also knew that their constituents care.
> Keep in mind that "ability to pay" may not be the only criteria that
> these big companies use when deciding who gets "advanced" service and
> who gets "molasses service".
> Nick
> On Jun 14, 2006, at 12:59 PM, Thomas Hicks wrote:
> > Dear Fellow JUG members,
> >
> > As technologists, we often have the luxury of avoiding political
> > issues.
> > Unfortunately, however, one of the founding principles of the
> > Internet,
> > Network Neutrality, is currently under seige by lawmakers. Big
> > telecomm
> > and ISP companies like AT&T, Verizon, and Comcast are spending
> > millions to
> > lobby lawmakers to let them prioritize network traffic based on the
> > sender's
> > ability to pay. Possible problems and actual abuses under such a
> > system
> > are listed at:
> >
> >
> > The fear that gutting Network Neutrality will pose serious problems
> > for
> > small, non-profit organizations (such as the Tucson JUG), has lead
> > a huge
> > diversity of organizations to support renewing the principle as law:
> >
> >
> > Last Thursday, the House, including our representative Jim Kolbe,
> > voted to kill Network Neutrality. He and a majority of others in
> > the house also
> > voted against the (pro-neutrality) Markey Net Neutrality
> > Amendment .  Hopes now
> > turn to the Senate where our senators:
> >
> > Senator John McCain
> > Phone: 202-224-2235
> > Senator Jon Kyl
> > Phone: 202-224-4521
> >
> > will have the chance to consider this question and the chance to
> > protect Net Neutrality
> > by supporting the bipartisan Snowe-Dorgan Internet Freedom
> > Preservation Act (S. 2917).
> >
> > Should you feel that this issue is of importance to your job, your
> > blog, your JUG,
> > your favorite causes, or merely your sanity, you may find these
> > additional links helpful:
> >
> > summary of the issue:
> >
> >
> > find out more:
> >
> >
> > petition your representatives:
> >
> >
> >         regards,
> >         -tom hicks
> >
> >
> >
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