PEP8 has recently updated to allow for other preferences: 

> Some teams strongly prefer a longer line length. For code maintained 
> exclusively or primarily by a team that can reach agreement on this issue, 
> it is okay to increase the nominal line length from 80 to 100 characters 
> (effectively increasing the maximum length to 99 characters), provided that 
> comments and docstrings are still wrapped at 72 characters.

With the advent of larger, high-resolution screens, the 80-char limit 
doesn't make as much sense any more. I'm in favour of keeping lines 
shorter, but I believe 100 characters is sufficient.

On Wednesday, 1 January 2014 14:54:31 UTC-6, Spencer Russell wrote:
> On Wed, Jan 1, 2014 at 12:33 PM, Dahua Lin <<javascript:>
> > wrote: 
>> I agree that overly long lines hurt readability. However, I think a hard 
>> threshold of 80 chars is too restrictive. Just take a quick skim of the 
>> Julia code base, you will find plenty of lines well beyond this limit (even 
>> lines over 120 chars are not uncommon).
>> This is kind of related to some of the Julia's language features (e.g. 
>> parameter annotation, and one-line definition of functions, etc). In such 
>> cases, code lines that are a little bit longer wouldn't make a big problem. 
>> I found it sometimes even more annoying to break lines simply for the sake 
>> of the fitting some limit on line length. 
> I think that this points to some additional guidelines about how to 
> cleanly break expressions up across line breaks. I tend to follow python 
> guidelines on this, though I'm python-biased: 
> I think it's good to have a number (80 chars) for what's considered a long 
> line. I typically am working in a terminal window with several files open 
> side-by-side, and having a consistent width makes it easier to navigate and 
> see what's going on. It also makes the code easier to read in diffs, on 
> github, etc.
> -s

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