I just noticed, I haven't mentioned anywhere, that this will be OpenGL 
plotting only.
There are just limited options for rendering shapes, but there are 
definitely some more tricks to render shapes, than by approximating them 
with a gazillion triangles.
One is, to draw pixels on a quad in the fragment shader, at every position 
a shape function returns true, which also allows for some various methods 
of anti-aliasing.
But this is restricted to 2D planes, as far as I'm concerned. 
But I'm still learning GLSL and always find new ways of supporting magical 
stuff (or nasty platform dependencies).

I did think about svg/pdf/latex output, but this is quite a big project by 
itself. But I'll keep it in mind and try to design the API in a way, that 
it behaves friendly towards those kind of projects.
It might not be terribly difficult though, if every of my render primitives 
implements a function, that returns the corresponding svg/pdf/latex code.
Jpeg support should be rather trivial in comparison, thanks to Images.jl =)

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