Great – if you want to minimise results just double click them, or right
click and select "remove result" to close them (or use the "clear inline
results" command to get rid of all of them at the same time). I really
recommend having a look through the wiki
<>, there's loads on
there to (hopefully) explain some of the less intuitive parts.

The Jewel.jl backend is just a Julia package, so it's as easy to contribute
to as any other. As it happens I spent a lot of the last week making the
code base a lot nicer to work with, so if you want to have a look through
it should be fairly understandable. Everything apart from /LightTable is
generic anyway, so it should be really easy to add functionality in (I'm
happy to do any necessary work to link it to the frontend).

The bottleneck is probably the plugin itself, which is in Clojure. Clojure
is actually great to work with, but as far as I know the number of people
who know both Clojure and Julia well enough to understand the whole plugin
is approximately one (would love to be corrected on this). But I can always
focus more of my own time on this side if I do have contributors to the
backend – this is one problem I'm looking forward to.

PRs are always welcome, and anyone who wants to contribute is welcome to
drop me a line.

On 30 June 2014 20:46, <> wrote:

> Cool, very nice work. I had no problem install it on windows 7, but I have
> to say I'm quite confused by Light Table, it seems interesting though.
> I got these data display but I haven't find yet how to close them ...
> How easy to contribute to the project, add features, etc ? I'm asking that
> because I feel like an IDE what it the easy to modify and to contribute to
> have more chances to succeed (Julia Studio for example doesn't seem to have
> a lot of contributions).

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