I tried both LightTable and JuliaStudio.

LightTable is lacking an integrated console, which is a pity. But on the 
hand you can evaluate single expressions in the code editor directly.

The released version of JuliaStudio does not support Julia 0.3rc yet, so you
have to compile it yourself, which is a pain.

I am still waiting for full Julia support in Spyder, which is expected to 
as soon as IPython 3.0 is released.



On Sunday, August 3, 2014 10:02:16 PM UTC+2, Alan Chan wrote:
> How does this LightTable version compared with Sublime-Julia and 
> JuliaStudio?
> On Sunday, June 29, 2014 5:46:21 AM UTC-4, Mike Innes wrote:
>> Hey all,
>> I've released the latest version of the Julia environment 
>> <https://github.com/one-more-minute/Jupiter-LT> I'm building. There are 
>> a whole bunch of improvements but the main ones are:
>>    - Support for latex completions (\alpha etc.)
>>    - Support for graphics including Gadfly and Images.jl (though until 
>>    my patch is released you'll need to Pkg.checkout("Gadfly") to get 
>>    interactivity)
>>    - Rewritten and improved autocomplete system, which now completes 
>>    package names in Pkg functions and paths in include statements, and can 
>> be 
>>    extended to support anything else
>>    - Support for accessing methods and docs both while on a function and 
>>    within its parentheses
>>    - Auto-detection of the module you're working in
>>    - Links and highlighted lines for error messages
>>    - Semantic highlighting in the "june night" theme
>>    - Highlighting support for string interpolation
>>    - Full support for unicode
>>    - More documentation
>>    - Tabs are restored after restarting, like Sublime
>>    - Several new and improved rough edges
>> I also want to shout out to all the people who have tried this out so 
>> far, given feedback, and/or sent me PRs – every bit of enthusiasm really 
>> makes a big difference, so thank you.
>> – Mike

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