The only thing I can really suggest is that if it is a graphics issue it's
most likely to do with Chromium, so searching for that might turn more up.
You could also open an issue in the Light Table repo, but I wouldn't hold
my breath waiting for a response.

As for the autocompletion – you've probably tried this, but just in case
it's worth noting that the autocomplete won't work until you've evaluated
something in that file, and even then it might take a second or two to get
going. Just doing 2+2 should be enough. I'm still refining this so
hopefully if not it will work for you in future.

On 30 June 2014 22:38, Alireza Nejati <> wrote:

> The weird thing though is that autocomplete works on non-julia files, it
> just doesn't work with julia.
> On Sunday, June 29, 2014 9:46:21 PM UTC+12, Mike Innes wrote:
>> Hey all,
>> I've released the latest version of the Julia environment
>> <> I'm building. There are
>> a whole bunch of improvements but the main ones are:
>>    - Support for latex completions (\alpha etc.)
>>    - Support for graphics including Gadfly and Images.jl (though until
>>    my patch is released you'll need to Pkg.checkout("Gadfly") to get
>>    interactivity)
>>    - Rewritten and improved autocomplete system, which now completes
>>    package names in Pkg functions and paths in include statements, and can be
>>    extended to support anything else
>>    - Support for accessing methods and docs both while on a function and
>>    within its parentheses
>>    - Auto-detection of the module you're working in
>>    - Links and highlighted lines for error messages
>>    - Semantic highlighting in the "june night" theme
>>    - Highlighting support for string interpolation
>>    - Full support for unicode
>>    - More documentation
>>    - Tabs are restored after restarting, like Sublime
>>    - Several new and improved rough edges
>> I also want to shout out to all the people who have tried this out so
>> far, given feedback, and/or sent me PRs – every bit of enthusiasm really
>> makes a big difference, so thank you.
>> – Mike

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