On Saturday, January 17, 2015 at 10:02:21 PM UTC-5, Test This wrote:
> This is awesome. That would provide an easy way to scale a web-application 
> at least to some extent by outsourcing the CPU intensive calculation out of 
> Node. 

And you get access to BLAS, Mocha (GPU even), JuMP, Optim, Stats.  Good for 
fast access to website oriented machine learning stuff;  regressions, 
recommender systems, etc.

> Currently, Julia takes a long time to start up. Does the Julia process 
> start when "include myjuliafile.jl" is called? If so, can one call this 
> line somewhere when the server starts. 

Because it's an embed, Julia exists/executes as part of the node process in 
another thread.  The engine starts up the first time a call to eval, exec, 
Script is made.  For first time stuff especially loading big packages, 
there's going to be some lag because of the action of the JIT, but I 
haven't seen lag otherwise.

> Otherwise, the start up time will increase the wait for the web clients. 

There should not be re-JITing per connection. so I expect this to not be a 
problem.  Feedback? 

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