On Sunday, January 18, 2015 at 7:11:01 PM UTC-5, Eric Forgy wrote:

> I am probably confused, but in the link, they are talking about running 
> Node in Nashorn and it even points to a list of Node modules they are 
> currently able to run. 
> https://avatar-js.java.net 
> <https://www.google.com/url?q=https%3A%2F%2Favatar-js.java.net&sa=D&sntz=1&usg=AFQjCNHMI3W_0OOsDI0vObGlBAH2X87e4g>

That's Oracle being tricksy.  That framework uses a different JavaScript 
interpreter (Nashorn) built on top of a Java JVM.  Supported so long as the 
module is 100% Javascript but it looks like it's EMCAScript 5, not 6.  But 
modules that make use of v8 native can not be.  Here's a blog from 
those guys are trustworthy.

> I was hoping node-julia could be added to the list. I guess not?

Unfortunately, it needs v8.  

> By the way, as I was reading up on Nashorn, I learned that it is intended 
> to be more general than just "Javascript in Java". It is supposed to be an 
> architecture for scripting languages in general to run on JVM, i.e. an 
> "LLVM for JVM", which begs the question if it now starts to make sense 
> thinking about compiling Julia directly to bytecode for JVM? The Javascript 
> performance seems pretty good. I think that would be a big boost to Julia 
> if you're able to get Java developers on board.

I think Nashorn represents Oracle's fear of a future where most Java 
programmers become Javascript programmers.  But for right now anyway, I 
don't know of an alternative to Hadoop.  Would love to learn about it.

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