On Sunday, January 18, 2015 at 5:47:51 AM UTC-5, Eric Forgy wrote:
> Hi Jeff,
> I really like this idea and look forward to giving node-julia (and Julia 
> for that matter) a spin.
> As I explain here 
> <https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/julia-users/umHiBwVLQ4g>, I'm 
> building a web app with a Spring MVC backend and d3-based front end and 
> trying to figure out how to squeeze Julia in between the two somehow.
> I'm learning all this as I go and I just stumbled onto Nashorn 
> <https://blogs.oracle.com/java-platform-group/entry/nashorn_the_rhino_in_the>.
> The linked article talks about running Node applications on Nashorn through 
> Project 
> Avatar <https://avatar.java.net/>. If I understand, this combination 
> should allow me to run node-julia side-by-side with my Java code. Is that 
> correct? That would be awesome. Can you foresee any difficulties?

Hi Eric,

I like your d3 idea, my friends advise that projects that are based on d3 like 
bokeh <http://bokeh.pydata.org/en/latest/docs/gallery.html> go a long way 
and then get bogged down in details, so heads up, but it's too cool to not 

Unfortunately, incorporating Julia via node-julia will not work when using 
Nashorn and Avatar.js as they are projects to replace node and v8 not work 
with them.  Nor will node-webkit or atom-shell if you are wanting to go 
browser-as-desktop-app route, but d3 in a browser still will of course.

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