Ok, this did solve my problem.
Now I will proceed with trying to connect a big c++ project with julia and
see what happens there, in the very optimistic case where I proceed without
any problems I will let you know just for reference, otherwise I will 
return with
the new errors and mistakes I receive.
Thanks a lot for all the help and suggestions so far!

On Thursday, July 30, 2015 at 11:47:27 PM UTC+2, Jeff Waller wrote:
> Specifically I think this will not work because of the following: 
>> double ArrayMaker::ArrayMak(int iNum, float fNum) {
>>     jl_init(JULIA_INIT_DIR);
>>     jl_atexit_hook();
>>     return sol;
>> }
>> }
> What this is doing it starting up a 2nd julia engine inside of the 
> original julia engine, and that can only work if julia has
> no globals that must only be initialized once and all mutual exclusive 
> sections protected by mutex, (i.e. thread safe),
> and currently it is not. 
> In other words you're going beyond the question can Julia be embedded in 
> C++ as well as can C++ be embedded
> in Julia simultaneously; answer is yes.  You're asking can Julia be 
> embedded within itself, and I think the answer is
> no.
> But from what you're describing as the problem you're attempting to 
>  solve, you don't really to accomplish Julia inside
> Julia. You just need to call C++ from Julia.
> What happens if you just simply leave out the calls to jl_init and 
> jl_atexit_hook?

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