On Monday, December 8, 2014 at 2:58:49 AM UTC-8, Simon Byrne wrote:
> I have multiple versions of julia installed on my machine. Is there an 
> easy way to specify which version of julia I want to use when running 
> ijulia?
> Simon

JuliaBox has configured iJulia so one can select which version of Julia to 
use in a notebook. That is I can run one notebook using Julia 0.4 and 
another notebook using Julia 0.5 at the same time. I am currently teaching 
a class of ~60 students using Julia. I have students turn in their 
assignments as Jupyter notebooks. Now that Julia 0.5 is out it is going to 
be difficult to keep everyone in the class on the same version of Julia. It 
would be very useful if I could configure my local copy of Jupyter/iJulia 
to support two versions of Julia at the sometime. Does anyone know how this 
is done?

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