Good point, Michael, I should have mentioned the GeoTools Feature model 
as a possible direction as well.  Definitely it would be a good thing to 
evolve in their direction.

I'm not sure how stable or baked the GT Feature model design is, but as 
it happens I sit right next to one of the chief GT architects (Jody 
Garnett) so I will ask him!  8^)

Michaël Michaud wrote:
> Hi Paul,
> Your feature info frame looks nice.
> The discussion you have with Martin is very interesting and very 
> important as it is about JUMP's feature model.
> I just want to mention other discussions we had on this list about the 
> interest to write bridges between JUMP's feature model and GeoTool's one 
> or to make JUMP's feature model closer to GeoTool's one.
> I think the last feature model of GeoTools or the one they are talking 
> about for next version include such things as nested attributes where 
> attributes may be features or feature collections.
> Michaël
> Paul Austin a écrit :
>> All,
>> I have attached a screen shot of my new Feature InfoTable 
>> implementation. As you can see I've added some CSS styling to the 
>> table and where there are "nested" feature types have the feature type 
>> name displayed and a nested table with their attributes.
>> NOTE: The sub feature type name stuff won't work with regular JUMP 
>> features as the FeatureSchema does not include the feature type name. 
>> I'm using my own Feature implementation based on the model used in my 
>> reader framework. It would be simple to add this to FeatureSchema if 
>> required.
>> After looking at the current implementation I would like to suggest a 
>> change to the way the who feature info table view works.
>>    1. Under the view menu have sub menu to allow the user to select
>>       the style for viewing geometry (WKT, EWKT, CL, GML) in addition
>>       to the current approach and save that so the user always get
>>       their preference.
>>    2. Implement a FeatureInfoTable renderer which defines the style
>>       for the info view (e.g. HTML table, v.s. GML v.s. Tab/CSV format
>>    3. Roll the FID and geometry attribute into the table
>>       FeatureInfoTable renderer so that the geometry render is just
>>       used when geometry values are detected to display the value
>>       portion. So for example there would be a position row in the
>>       table that would have the geometry formatted as WKT or GML
>>    4. Where multiple records are displayed use a database style paging
>>       display where one feature is displayed at a time but you have
>>       back/forward, first/last and jump to record number. Think
>>       MSAccess or FME style paging through selected features.
>> Any comments/suggestions?
>> Paul
>> Martin Davis wrote:
>>> Is your use case only for a property which contains a single Feature?  
>>> The general case would be to have a property which contains a 
>>> FeatureCollection (this is the full GML model, for instance).  In this 
>>> case the UI gets a bit more complicated.
>>> How are you creating the Feature property?  Do you need to spatially 
>>> visualize it? 
>>> I'm asking these questions because while your use case may simply be to 
>>> view a single Feature property, it's nice to look a bit further down the 
>>> road at a more general design, in order to avoid making the 
>>> implementation overly specific and hard to extend.
>>> In general supporting a hierarchical feature model introduces tons of 
>>> issues all through JUMP... which is why we didn't go there at first.  
>>> The closest we got was to support a custom object hierarchy and expose 
>>> different classes of it as separate FeatureCollections.  This allowed 
>>> treating the various classes as map layers, which worked pretty well.  
>>> But this was all custom code and hard to make general-purpose.
>>> As for the code-value entry plugin, the general concept would clearly be 
>>> nice to have.  Would your entry screen only support that single 
>>> attribute, or would you make a general entry panel which showed all 
>>> attributes?  This was talked about a week or two ago - it would be nice 
>>> to have this as another view in the Attribute View window.  How would 
>>> you supply the code-value mapping?
>>> Paul Austin wrote:
>>>> I have a data set where a property of a feature is another feature 
>>>> object. In the schema it has the type Object but it's actually a 
>>>> Feature instance.What I would like to do is have the following.
>>>>   1. A right click on the feature row to view the whole feature and
>>>>      have a view/edit feature frame that would display the list of
>>>>      property names and values with nested panels for each nested
>>>>      feature.
>>>>   2. Use the feature display panel to display the feature on say roll
>>>>      over of a complex property value
>>>> Has anyone worked on such a feature? If not I'll start writing one.
>>>> Also I was thinking that in databases you have the concept of code 
>>>> lookup tables, I was thinking of a plugi-in that you can configure to 
>>>> display the code value instead of the code ID and have a drop down for 
>>>> changing the values instead of entering the codes.
>>>> Paul
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Martin Davis
Senior Technical Architect
Refractions Research, Inc.
(250) 383-3022

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